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Average Salary in Uruguay

How much does a worker in Uruguay make?

Monthly earnings for a worker in Uruguay are normally approximately 33,000 UYU (about $3,300). This is a median income that includes males and females, as well as a range of professions.

The lowest earners make about 14,000 UYU (about $1,400) per month while the highest earners generally have salaries over 125,000 UYU (about $12,500). Housing, which is usually provided by an employer, comes with the highest paying jobs.

Salary Distribution in Uruguay

Pay Scale

Salaries in Uruguay start at 8,340 UYU per month and go up from there. Everyone who works has to contribute 26.5% in taxes, social security, and healthcare; employers typically contribute another 17%.

Median Wage

In Uganda, the median monthly wage is 33,600 UYU, which implies that half of the population earns less than 33,600 UYU per month and the other half earns more than 33,600 UYU per month.

The median salary is defined as “the level of earnings that divides employees evenly into two groups with an equal number of persons earning less than the median income and an equal number earning more.


25% of the population earns less than 18,900 UYU, while 75% earn more. Percentiles in terms of compensation are calculated by taking how much compensation an individual receives, dividing it by the population, and then multiplying it by 100.

What is the median vs average salary in terms of compensation?

Salary is the term used to describe the pay that one receives for his or her job.

Compensation, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive term and can include salary along with benefits such as dental insurance and paid vacations.

Median vs average salary is important to understand in order to differentiate between the two figures.

The median salary is simply the number in the middle of a set of numbers. Average salary is the amount that is calculated by adding up all of the numbers and then dividing the total by the number of figures.

Both median salary and average pay are affected by the size of the company.

Comparing Salaries Based on Years of Experience

How does an individual’s income increase over time?

There are a few factors that influence an individual’s income over time. First, it is important to note that someone’s salary can increase from year to year.

In fact, when you compare salaries based on years of experience, the data shows that people who have been in their jobs longer tend to make more money.

In Uruguay, for example, people who have been working for between six and ten years make an average of about UYU 12,000 a month.

On the other hand, people who have been working for between eleven and fifteen years make an average of about UYU 16,000 a month, or about 45% more money.

This means that salary increase over time is possible. It simply depends on factors like the industry one works in, one’s level of education, and one’s experience.

Salary Comparisons According to Education

How does your degree of education affect your salary?

Your salary will depend on a number of factors, including your level of education.

This is because higher levels of education bring with them greater skills and more advanced knowledge about the job market as well as the mechanics of doing work in a specific area.

Bachelor holders in Uruguay have a monthly salary of UYU 5,844 (US$ 399), whereas those with a Ph.D. earn an average of UYU 12,566 (US$ 880).

In addition, career fields like science and engineering tend to offer higher salaries than those in education. Uruguay Bachelor holders in the field of engineering earn an average of UYU 10,874 (US$741), whereas those with a teaching degree receive UYU 3,386 (US$236).

When it comes to your level of education and salary, it’s best to choose a more specific area of study that will allow you to excel and maximize your earnings potential.

Comparing Gender-Specific Salary in Uruguay

Male workers earn 7% more than female employees in Uruguay on average across all industries.

In Uruguay, women are estimated to take home a lower-earning percentage than their male counterparts. However, many factors have been found to affect the wage gap between genders.

The leading income disparity in Uruguay is due to educational differences between males and females. The average salary for women with at least a bachelor’s degree was 13% less than men with the same level of education.

Also, men make up a majority (52%) of the Uruguayan workforce and hold 70% of management positions. Women in managerial positions tend to be paid less than their male counterparts.

Uruguay’s Average Annual Pay Increase Percentage

In Uruguay, what is the yearly pay increase? How often do workers get compensation increases?

Uruguayan employees are expected to have a wage rise of roughly 7% every 19 months. There is also an additional raise of 7% every 19 months as well as a bonus to employees who negotiate it themselves.

Workers in different career fields like medicine, engineering, and politics are compensated for their jobs with salaries that are calculated at both monthly and yearly rates.

The average salary in Uruguay is roughly UYU $700 (about the U.S. $112).

Annual Growth Rates by Industry in

  • Business – 6%
  • Healthcare – 5%
  • Construction – 3%
  • Education – 1%
  • Finance – 5%
  • Technology – 8%
  • Retail – 6.5%
  • Hotels and Restaurants – 7.5%

Companies in different industries are expected to have different growth rates in.

Average Salary Increase Rates by Level of Experience in Uruguay

The average salary increase rates for each of the four levels of experience in Uruguay are shown in the following chart.

  • 0-2 years = 6.37%
  • 3-5 years = 5.09%
  • 6-9 years = 4.64%
  • 10 or more years = 4.26%

Uruguay workers are more likely to receive an increase in pay once they reach the level of experience of 6-9 years. Workers who have more than 10 years of experience are slightly less likely to receive any salary increase at all.

Uruguay Bonus & Incentive Rates

How much and how often are bonuses given?

Most Uruguayan companies offer their employees incentives and bonus packages.

Workers who worked 9 or more months out of the year received an average of 4.8 bonuses throughout the year with about 1/3 of the workforce receiving bonuses during all 4 seasons.

Different Bonuses

Bonuses for Individual Performance

These are usually paid on top of an individual’s usual salary. These bonuses are given to employees who go above and beyond their normal job requirements, or for performing above what the company expected.

Some companies prefer to give these bonuses as shares of profits, equity, or stock options; others prefer cash payments. Bonuses can be given for exceptional personal performance, or for dedication to the job; other bonuses may be paid out over multiple years

Different companies do things differently: some pay bonuses quarterly, while others award them annually. Bonuses are usually awarded to an employee once a year.

Employees must be evaluated to find out what they have contributed in the year, and how much of a bonus they should be awarded. Factors that influence an employee’s bonus include how well they have done their job, and what they have achieved during the year.

Some companies also take into consideration the market conditions when deciding to give a bonus.

Bonuses based on Company Performance

These are in place in order to encourage employees to work better for their company. The managers of each business decide how much reward they will give out, but there are ways in which the total pot is divided among employees.

Several variables can be taken into account: the number of shares owned by the employee (relative and percentage), age of the employee, and position held – even strength of personality can be a factor.

Some companies will use a system where the company has risen by 20% in a year, and this number rises if perhaps they have had to deal with unfavorable market conditions.

The employees who have been there for more time get larger bonuses, thus encouraging loyalty to the firm.

Bonuses Based on Achieved Goals

These are an increasing trend in the business world. Many companies are giving bonuses to their employees for meeting or exceeding sales goals, reaching milestones, or completing certain work projects.

Bonuses based on achieved goals are designed to motivate employees to perform at levels above expectations and reward them when they succeed.

This type of company incentive is popular because it provides monetary recognition for an employee’s hard work and dedication.

When a bonus is received it can be regarded as positive reinforcement because the employee will feel valued, respected, and appreciated by their employer for going above and beyond their normal duties to accomplish a goal or project.

In other words, employees that meet or exceed expectations are rewarded for a job well done in a way that is meaningful, which also boosts the morale and self-esteem of employees.

Bonuses based on achieved goals can have a motivational effect on employees to work harder and smarter when given the opportunity to earn more money for great performance

Holiday / Year-End Bonuses

Holiday and or year-end bonuses are additional payments that are offered by an employer to employees. Holiday Bonuses and Year-End Bonuses vary in many aspects, and employers may offer just one type of bonus or both.

There is no industry standard as to how much a company chooses to give as holiday bonuses or year-end bonuses. Some companies choose to offer their employees holiday bonuses equivalent to one week of salary, while others may offer two weeks.

Similarly, some companies choose to give employees year-end bonuses equal to one month’s salary, while others may choose to give them the equivalent of two months’ salary. Some companies are bound by contractual obligations with their unions or associations.

If this is the case there are legal requirements that must be met for employers who have signed on with these unions or associations.

Comparing Bonus Rates by Career Field

What qualifies a job as deserving of substantial incentives and a high salary?

There are several factors that can be considered, but the most important one, by far, is responsibility.

If a person does not take charge and authority in their job, then they should not expect any extra incentives or rewards for it.

In Uruguay, for example, top bankers and real estate agents can earn massive bonuses and salaries because of the responsibility and pressure involved in their jobs. It is this responsibility that provides the grounds for these incentives.

Another factor that qualifies a job for high incentives is key accomplishments. If a job is rewarded with bonuses, it is due to the fact that the employee completed an important task in their workplace.

This could include something as big as saving one’s company from bankruptcy or making a breakthrough in research and development. Accomplishments of this caliber often merit bonuses, not only in Uruguay but all over the world.

The third major aspect that qualifies a person for bonus money is added benefits outside of their regular paycheck. Many companies provide healthcare coverage, paid vacation time, retirement plans, education packages, life insurance.

Comparing Bonuses Based on Seniority in Uruguay

In Uruguay, some companies and organizations base their bonuses on seniority. People that have been working for the company or organization longer receive a larger bonus than people who have just started working there.

This is because they believe more experienced employees deserve higher pay and increased benefits.

Salaries for Popular Occupations

Accounting and Finance

  • Accountant – 22,700 UYU
  • Accounting Assistant – 18,300 UYU
  • Accounting Manager – 49,100 UYU

Architecture and Building

  • Architect – 18,300 UYU
  • Construction Supervisor – 33,300 UYU
  • Plumber – 21,000 UYU
  • Carpenter – 16,100 UYU
  • Mason/Concrete worker – 15,100 UYU
  • Electrician – 22,700 UYU
  • Painter and Decorator- 17,900 UYU
  • Surveyor and Mapper – 29,500 UYU
  • Supervisor – 35.200 – 45.400 UYU
  • Civil Engineer – 30,500 – 44,000 UYU

Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Technician – 15,400 UYU
  • Maintenance Officer – 20,100 UYU
  • Plant Operator – 21,200 UYU
  • Machinist – 19,600 – 26,900 UYU
  • Welder – 18.700 – 25,700 UYU

Legal Services

  • Legal Secretary – 19,900 UYU
  • Receptionist – 18.100 UYU
  • Lawyer – 32.500 – 49.000 UYU
  • Secretary/Assistant Lawyer- 22.700 – 28.800 UYU

Medical Services

  • Pharmacist – 23,400 UYU
  • Nurse (Bachelor degree in related field) – 24,300 UYU
  • Dental Technician – 16,200 UYU
  • Dentist (Doctorate degree in related field) – 42,500 UYU

Average Hourly Wage in Uruguay

Uruguay’s average hourly salary (pay per hour) is 190 UYU. This equates to an average hourly wage of approximately 190 UYU in Uruguay.

The hourly wage is the compensation paid for each hour worked. Jobs are typically classified into two categories: salaried and hourly. Salaried positions pay a flat rate regardless of the number of hours worked. Hourly employees are compensated on a per-hour basis.

Government vs Private Sector Salary Comparison

In Uruguay, public sector workers earn an average of 9% more than their private-sector colleagues across all sectors. While not substantial, it isn’t a difference that can go unnoticed.

The government workers who earn the least are in the education sector, where they earn an average of 1% more than their private-sector counterparts.

Meanwhile, men working for the government make 11% more than those in the private sector while women working for the government make 6% more.

In the private sector, the wealth of the companies also has an impact on salaries. The larger the company, the higher the salary; foreigners tend to earn more than locals; and employers that are part of international groups offer better salaries than those without such ties.