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Average Salary in Norway

What does a Norway worker make?

The average annual salary in Norway is 612,000 NOK. An employee might earn anywhere from 155,000 NOK to 2,730,000 NOK per year depending on experience and location.

With housing, transportation, and other amenities included, this is what the typical person makes in a year. There is a huge disparity in pay across various professions. For example, a CEO might make 60 times more than an entry-level worker.

Norway has a high cost of living, but salaries are still relatively high when compared to other countries. The average salary in Oslo is 740,000 NOK. This is about 33% higher than the national average.

Norway’s Salary Structure

Pay Scale

Depending on the year, salaries might vary from 155,000 NOK to 2,730,000 NOK each year in Norway.

The average salary in Norway is around 394,000 NOK (41,800 USD) per year for men. Women earn about 16% less than their male counterparts with an average salary of 333,500 NOK (35,400 USD) annually.

The minimum wage in Norway is currently 175.6 NOK per hour (19 USD), which amounts to around 1,372 NOK per day (148 USD) for an eight-hour workday. This is just a small sample of what you can expect to earn working in Norway.

Median Earnings

With a median wage of 661,000 NOK per year, 50% of the population earns less than this amount, while the other 50% earn more than this amount each year. The median wage is the wage at which 50% of workers earn less and 50% of workers earn more.

This is a good indicator of what the average worker in Norway earns each year.

The lower percentile wage is the wage at which 25% of workers earn less and 75% of workers earn more.


25% of Norwegians earn less than 367,000 NOK per year, while 75% make more than that amount. 50% of Norwegians earn less than 661,000 NOK annually, while the other 50% earn more than that amount.

The lowest 10% of workers in Norway take home less than 155,000 NOK each year (16,430 USD), while the top 10% makeover 2,730,000.

Is there a difference between a person’s average and median earnings?

Both average salary and median income are indicators. The average salary is calculated by summing all salaries and dividing them by the number of salaries.

The median income is the midway point, which is found by ranking salaries from highest to lowest and finding the salary that falls in the middle. In other words, half of the workers earn less than the median wage, while half earn more.

Comparison of Norwegian Wages based on Years of Experience

Over the course of a career, how does a person’s income change?

Workers get paid more as they gain experience and move up the career ladder. In general, entry-level positions have lower salaries than more experienced roles.

The average salary in Norway varies depending on a person’s experience and position within a company. Entry-level workers earn an average of NOK 49,000 per year while those with more than 20 years of experience earn an average of NOK 97,500 per year.

Managers and executives earn the highest salaries in Norway, with an average salary of NOK 122,000 per year. Senior managers and directors earn even more, with an average salary of NOK 145,000 per year.

Norway’s Wage Comparison Based on Education

Is there a correlation between your education level and your pay?

Those with a lower level of education tend to have lower incomes than those with higher levels of education.

For example, in 2019, people with primary and lower secondary education had an average income of NOK 359 000, while those with upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education had an average income of NOK 467 000. People with tertiary education had an average income of NOK 575 000.

There are several reasons for this relationship between education and earnings. One reason is that people with higher levels of education often work in occupations that require more skills and knowledge than occupations that do not require high levels of education.

In addition, people with higher levels of education tend to work in occupations that are in higher demand and therefore have higher wages.

Finally, people with higher levels of education tend to be employed in larger organizations, which often offer higher salaries than smaller organizations.

The relationship between education and earnings is not the same for all occupations. For some occupations, such as teaching and nursing, the earnings of those with lower levels of education are similar to or even higher than the earnings of those with higher levels of education.

This is because these occupations often require specific skills and knowledge that can be obtained through training programs that do not necessarily result in a tertiary degree.

Norwegian Wage Comparisons Based on Gender

On average, men in Norway earn 4% more than women in all industries combined. The average salary for a man working in Norway is 49,781 NOK (5,774 USD) per year.

When comparing hourly wages, women earn on average 15% less than men in Norway. The gender pay gap is larger for lower-paid workers and smallest for those earning high wages. For example, women who are in the 10th percentile of wage earners make 20% less per hour than their male counterparts.

However, among those earning in the top 10% of wage earners, women make only 2% less per hour than men.

Annual Salary Increase Percentage Average in Norway

In Norway, how much do people get paid each year? Are increases given to staff on a more regular basis?

Salary increases in Norway typically occur every 15 months, with an average of around 9%. The percentage of employees receiving bonuses and other forms of compensation is also high.

The most common benefits are paid holidays, medical insurance, and retirement plans. Salaries in Norway are on the rise in recent years, especially for skilled workers.

Growth Rates For Each Industry In

  • Healthcare – 5%
  • Tourism – 6%
  • Information Technology – 4%
  • Banking – 3%
  • Business – 3%

Norway’s economy is expected to experience solid growth in the coming years, with average salaries rising along with it. Workers in the healthcare, tourism, and information technology industries are likely to see the biggest salary increases, while those in banking and business may see more modest gains.

Of course, salary growth will vary depending on individual skill set and experience level. Nonetheless, Norway is expected to remain an attractive destination for workers across a variety of industries.

Average Compensation Increase Rates by Experience

Junior-level employees are projected to experience the highest compensation increase in Norway in, at 5.5%. Those with mid-level experience can expect a 4.7% salary bump, while senior-level professionals should see their paychecks grow by 3.9%

In terms of industries, the health care and information technology sectors are expected to lead the pack in terms of average salary growth.

Health care workers can expect to see average salaries grow by 4.8%, while IT professionals should see a 4.4% bump. If you are promoted to a management position, you can expect to see your salary increase by an average of 3.8%.

Of course, your exact salary growth will depend on factors such as your specific industry, company size, geographic location and years of experience. In general, though, the above figures give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of salary growth in Norway in.

Rates of Bonuses and Incentives in Norway

How commonly are bonuses offered?

In Norway, 42% of respondents said they had not received any bonuses or incentives in the previous year, whilst 58% said they had received at least one kind of monetary bonus.

For those who got bonuses, they varied from 2% to 7% of their annual salary. In general, higher-ranking employees were less likely to get incentives than managers and executives.

The most common type of bonus given was an end-of-year bonus, followed by a project/performance bonus. Other types of bonuses included sign-on bonuses, spot bonuses, and profit-sharing.

Different Types of Bonuses

Individualized Performance-Based Incentives

This kind of bonus is given to employees based on their job performance. If an employee excels in their work, they may be given a bonus to reflect this.

This type of bonus can act as an incentive for employees to continue to do their best work.

Team Performance-Based Incentives

Performance-Based Company Bonuses

This type of bonus is given to employees based on their the company’s collective performance. If a company meets or exceeds its goals, the members of that team may receive a bonus.

This type of bonus can encourage teamwork and help to improve morale within a company. However, if a worker is known not to contribute to the team’s success, they may not receive this type of bonus.

Goal-based Incentives

This type of bonus is given to employees based on their ability to meet specific goals. These goals may be related to their job performance, or they may be related to the company’s overall goals. If an employee is able to meet their goals, they will receive a bonus.

This type of bonus can help to motivate employees and encourage them to achieve more. However, if an employee is struggling to meet their goals, they may not receive this type of bonus.

Seasonal or End-of-Year Payouts

This type of bonus is given to employees based on the time of year. For example, some companies may give their employees a bonus during the holiday season. Other companies may give their employees a bonus at the end of the year.

This type of bonus can help to improve morale among employees. However, if an employee is not expecting a bonus, they may be disappointed.

Comparing Bonuses in Norway based on Career Field

What makes a job pay well and provides bonuses?

It is a combination of the company, job title, and career field. The average salary in Norway for various careers has been outlined below:

  • CEOs in Norway make an average yearly salary of NOK 1,950,000. They also receive bonuses that can total up to NOK 2,600,000 per year.
  • Senior managers in Norway earn an average yearly salary of NOK 1,140,000. Their bonuses can total up to NOK 1,700,000 per year.
  • Product managers in Norway take home an average yearly salary of NOK 900,000. They can also expect to receive annual bonuses of up to NOK 1,200,000.

However, take note that not all jobs in Norway are eligible for bonuses. For instance, entry-level positions and manual labor jobs typically do not offer any form of bonus.

If you are looking for a job that offers bonuses, then your best bet would be to pursue a management or executive position in a Norwegian company.

Norwegian Seniority Level Payouts

Senior workers in Norway are entitled to several types of bonuses, the most common being the thirteenth-month bonus and the “long service” bonus. The thirteenth-month bonus is a tax-free cash sum that is paid out once a year, on top of the normal salary.

The long service bonus is a lump-sum payment made after 15 years of continuous employment with the same employer. Other types of bonuses that may be paid out include sign-on bonuses, retention bonuses and performance-based bonuses.

The average salary in Norway depends on many factors, including education, work experience, age, gender and occupation.

Top Job Wages in Norway

Business Planning

  • Business Development Manager – 934,000 NOK
  • Project Manager  – 788,000 NOK
  • Product Manager  – 684,000 NOK
  • Consultant – 648,000 NOK
  • Program Manager  – 610,000 NOK
  • Sales Manager  – 573,000 NOK
  • Business Analyst  – 562,000 NOK
  • Account Manager  – 507,000 NOK


  • Physician – 1,017,000 NOK
  • Dentist – 804,000 NOK
  • Pharmacist  – 734,000 NOK
  • Nurse  – 494,000 NOK


  • CTO (Chief Technical Officer)  – 1,196,000 NOK
  • CIO (Chief Information Officer)  – 969,000 NOK
  • VP of Engineering  – 856,000 NOK
  • Director of IT  – 762,000 NOK
  • Manager of IT  – 649,000 NOK


  • Design Manager  – 893,000 NOK
  • Manufacturing Engineer  – 780,000 NOK
  • Process Engineer- 771,000 NOK
  • Quality Engineer – 662,000 NOK
  • Product Design Engineer  – 652,000 NOK


  • National Sales Manager  – 1,035,000 NOK
  • Regional Sales Manager  – 801,000 NOK
  • Account Executive  – 726,000 NOK
  • Key Account Manager- 684,000 NOK

Salary Comparison By Norway Cities

The average salary in Norway is NOK 532,000 per year (US$ 67,300). The median salary is NOK442,000 (US$ 55,700), meaning that half of the population earns more than this and half earns less.

This is an increase of 4.8% from 2018 when the average salary was NOK 509,000 (US$ 64,200). The median salary is also up 4.2% from last year.

The highest salaries can be found in the capital city of Oslo, where the average salary is NOK 609,000 (US$ 75,700). This is followed by Stavanger, where the average salary is NOK583,000 (US$ 72,900). Salaries are lower in Bergen, where the average salary is NOK526,000 (US$ 65,800) and in Trondheim, where the average salary is NOK524,000 (US$ 65,600).

While salaries have been rising in recent years, so has the cost of living. In Oslo, for example, the cost of a one-bedroom apartment has gone up by 11.4% since 2018.

Norway’s Standard Hourly Rate

In Norway, the average hourly income is 290 Norwegian kroner (NOK). For every hour of labor, the typical Norwegian earns about 290 NOK (roughly $30).

But this also varies depending on factors such as your level of experience, education, and field of work. For instance, those who have more experience or are better educated will tend to earn more.

As of 2020, the average salary in Norway was NOK 606,000 per year (or approximately $US67,000). The average Norwegian worker earned about $US67,000 in 2020. However, this figure varies depending on factors such as age, experience, education, and field of work.

For example, older workers or those with more experience or higher levels of education will typically earn more than younger workers or those with less experience or lower levels of education.

Comparison of Wages in the Public and Private Sectors

There is a 5% wage for public sector workers in Norway compared to private-sector workers across all industries combined. When comparing average wages in the public and private sectors, it is important to keep in mind that the industries represented in each sector can differ greatly.

For example, while healthcare and education are both well-represented in the public sector, finance and insurance make up a large portion of the private sector.

It is also worth noting that, although there are many high-paying jobs in the private sector, the top earners in Norway are still found in the public sector. In fact, over 60% of the country’s highest earners work for the government.