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Average Salary in Netherlands

How much do Dutch workers earn?

The average monthly wage in the Netherlands is 4,880 EUR. There are salaries ranging from 1,350 EUR to 21,300 EUR.

With housing, transportation, and other perks all taken into account, this is the typical monthly wage. There is a huge disparity in pay across various professions. If you’re curious about the pay for a certain position, you may find it listed here.

In general, the lowest-paying positions are in retail and customer service. The highest paying roles are typically in management, engineering, and medicine. Keep in mind that these are just averages.

Your actual salary will be affected by a number of factors, including your experience, education, and skillset.

The Netherlands’ Wage Distribution

Salary Scale

Between 1,350 to 21,300 EUR per month is the average salary in the Netherlands. The lowest 10% earn 1,350 EUR while the highest 10% earn 21,300 EUR.

The median salary in the Netherlands is 4,880 EUR. This means that half of the workers earn less than 4,880 EUR while the other half earn more. The most common salary range in the Netherlands is 2,460 to 4,880 EUR.

Median Earnings

Half of the population earns less than 5,180 EUR per month, while the other half earns more than 5,180 EUR per month; this is the median wage. The top 10% earn more than 9,790 EUR per month, while the bottom 10% earn 1,540 EUR or less.

The average salary in the Netherlands is 4,980 EUR per month. However, the median wage is 5,180 EUR. This means that there is a wide range of salaries in the Netherlands; some people earn much more than the average while others earn less. The most common salary range is 2,460 to 4,880 EUR.

The Netherlands has a relatively high cost of living. For example, rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Amsterdam can cost up to 2,040 EUR per month. Therefore, it is important to consider the cost of living when considering whether or not to move to the Netherlands.

Overall, the Netherlands is a great place to live and work. The average salary is high and there are many opportunities for career growth. The cost of living can be high in some areas, but overall it is an affordable country to live in. If you are considering moving to the Netherlands, it is a good idea to research the cost of living in different cities and towns.


75% of the population earns more than 2,940 EUR, while 25% of the population earns less than this amount. The top 10% earn more than 9,790 EUR, while the bottom 10% earn 1,540 EUR or less.

Is there a difference between a person’s average and median earnings?

Both average salary and median compensation are indicators. they are used to provide a general idea of the level of earnings in a particular population. however, there are some key differences between the two measures.

The average salary is the sum of all salaries divided by the number of employees. it is a simple calculation that does not take into account the distribution of salaries. as such, it can be skewed by a small number of very high or very low earners.

The median salary is the salary at which half the workforce earns more and half earn less. it is a more accurate measure of central tendency and is less likely to be skewed by extreme values.

Comparing Pay in the Netherlands Based on Years of Service

How does salary advance?

In the Netherlands, it is common for salaries to increase based on years of service. After an initial period of probation, which is typically three to six months, employees can expect a salary raise of around 4%.

Each year thereafter, they can expect another salary raise of 2-3%. In total, this means that someone with five years of experience should earn around 10-15% more than someone who just started working.

Of course, other factors affect how much someone earns, such as their level of education, the company they work for and the industry they work in. But in general, salaries in the Netherlands do tend to increase with each year of experience.

Comparing Dutch Salaries Based on Education

Is there a correlation between education level and salary?

Education imposes a huge influence on an individual’s future earnings. In the Netherlands, the average salary with a high school diploma is €2181, while someone with a Bachelor’s degree earns €3115 on average – almost 50% more.

However, it is not only the level of education that matters – but the field of study is also significant. Degrees related to health, for instance, tend to earn higher salaries than those in the field of art.

Although a high school diploma is a minimum requirement for most jobs in the Netherlands, those with this level of education earn relatively low salaries. They earn an average of only €2181 per month – almost €1000 less than someone with a Bachelor’s degree.

However, it is important to remember that many factors affect an individual’s salary, and education is only one of them. For instance, someone with a high school diploma who has been working in the same field for many years may earn more than someone with a Bachelor’s degree who is just starting.

In conclusion, although education is certainly a factor that influences an individual’s salary, it is not the only one. Many other factors can affect how much someone earns, such as their experience, the field they work in, and so on.

Netherlands Salary by Gender

There is a 5% pay gap between men and women in the Netherlands, on average, across all areas of employment. In 2021, women working in the Netherlands earned an average salary of €29,192 compared to men’s earnings of €30,692.

In 2021, the gender pay gap in the Netherlands was 16.7%. This means that women earn, on average, 83 cents for every euro that men earn.

The gender pay gap varies across different sectors and occupations in the Netherlands. In 2021, the largest gender pay gaps were found in the following sectors:

  • Financial and insurance activities: 26.4%
  • Information and communication: 24.8%
  • Professional, scientific and technical activities: 23.7%

The smallest gender pay gaps were found in the following sectors:

  • Public administration and defence, education and human health and social work: 4.0%
  • Transportation and storage: 6.5%
  • Manufacturing: 7.4%

Salary Increase Percentage in the Netherlands Every Year

In the Netherlands, how much do people get paid each year? Are increases given to staff on a more regular basis?

Nearly every 15 months, employees in the Netherlands may expect to see an average income boost of around 9%. This is based on data from the past 12 years.

To keep up with the rising cost of living, as well as account for inflation, employers will often offer their staff salary increases. The size of the pay rise will depend on different factors, including company profit margins and the individual’s performance.

However, it’s worth noting that the average salary in the Netherlands has been steadily increasing in recent years. So, even if you don’t get a raise each year, you may still be earning more than you were a few years ago.

The best way to find out how much you should be earning is to research salaries for similar positions in the Netherlands. This way, you can be sure that you’re being paid fairly and are keeping up with the cost of living.

Netherlands Business Annual Increase Rate

  • Information Technology – 6%
  • Healthcare – 5%
  • Business – 7%
  • Banking – 8%
  • Tourism – 9%
  • Retail – 11%

In recent years, the Netherlands has been known for its strong economy and high salaries. The average salary in the Netherlands is €35,000 per year, which is higher than the average salary in other European countries.

The cost of living in the Netherlands is also relatively high, but this is offset by the high salaries that employees earn. expatriates often find that they can save a significant amount of money by working in the Netherlands.

Some factors contribute to the high salaries in the Netherlands. The Dutch government provides significant tax breaks for businesses, which helps to keep costs down. In addition, Dutch companies are very productive, and they have a reputation for being innovative and efficient.

The Netherlands is also a very attractive country to work in because of its excellent quality of life. The Dutch people are known for their tolerance and openness, and the country has a strong tradition of social welfare. This makes the Netherlands an attractive destination for highly skilled workers from all over the world.

If you are considering working in the Netherlands, you should be aware that salaries vary depending on your experience and qualifications. However, in general, you can expect to earn a good salary in the Netherlands.

Netherlands Average Experience-Based Salary Increase

Junior level workers in the Netherlands are expected to see a salary increase of 4.2%, while senior-level workers are expected to enjoy an increase of 2.7%. Moreover, the average salary in the Netherlands is expected to reach 4,752 EUR per month in.

Employees with much more experience are also expected to enjoy significant salary hikes in the Netherlands. Those with over 20 years of experience are expected to see their salaries increase by as much as 3.1%.

Overall, the average salary in the Netherlands is expected to grow significantly in the next few years. This is good news for workers in the country, as they can expect to see their incomes rise steadily.

Netherlands Bonus and Reward Rates

How much and frequently are bonuses?

In the Netherlands, 43% of polled employees claimed that they had not received any bonuses or incentives in the previous year, while 56% reported receiving at least one sort of monetary reward.

A 2% to a 7% bonus was reported by those who received it. The types of bonuses that are most commonly received are those based on individual performance (68%), followed by department/team results (54%) and company profitability (40%).

Bonuses are more often given out in larger companies than smaller ones, with 62% of those polled in organisations with more than 250 employees receiving some form of incentive, compared to 47% in firms employing 50-249 people.

When it comes to frequency, the majority of Dutch bonuses are given out annually (78%), although monthly (17%) and quarterly payments (9%) are also relatively common. Payment in kind is much rarer, with only 4% of those polled reporting receiving this type of reward.

According to the research, 56% of Dutch employees received some form of bonus or incentive in the previous year. The most common types were those based on individual performance (68%), followed by department/team results (54%) and company profitability (40%).

Bonuses are more often given out in larger companies than smaller ones, with 62% of those polled in organisations with more than 250 employees receiving some form of incentive, compared to 47% in firms employing 50-249 people.

Benefits and Bonuses

Individual Bonuses Based on Performance

In addition to the basic salary, many employers in the Netherlands offer their employees bonuses.

These are often calculated based on how well an individual has performed over a certain time, though other factors such as company profitability may also play a role.

The amount of the bonus is typically a percentage of an employee’s salary and can range from a few hundred euros to several thousand.

Bonuses for Company Performance

Bonuses are given also depending on the performance of the company. For example, all employees may receive a small percentage of their salary as a bonus if the company hits its targets for the year.

This type of bonus is often given in addition to any individual bonuses that an employee may have earned.

Incentives Based on the Goals-Achieved

Employees working in a team may also receive bonuses based on the collective performance of the team. For example, if a team meets or exceeds its targets for the year, all members of that team may receive a bonus.

End-of-year/holiday bonuses

In some cases, employers may also give their employees a one-time bonus at the end of the year or around holidays such as Christmas. This is often referred to as a “13th-month” bonus in the Netherlands.

Comparing Bonuses for Different Occupations

What are the criteria by which a job is deemed deserving of generous benefits and a respectable wage?

Different jobs such as engineering, sales, and teaching have different required skill sets. They also require employees to have various levels of experience.

In the Netherlands, there is a national government that set a minimum wage that all employers must adhere to. The minimum wage in the Netherlands is €9.89 per hour for those aged 23 and over.

For those aged between 21 and 22, the minimum wage is €8.68 per hour. Those aged between 18 and 20 must be paid a minimum of €6.65 per hour

Dutch Seniority Bonuses

In the Netherlands, salaries are often supplemented by a “seniority bonus.” This is an annual payment that is based on an employee’s years of service with a company. The amount of the bonus increases each year, up to a maximum of five years.

The seniority bonus is not required by law, but it is generally offered by employers as an extra incentive to retain employees. It is typically paid out in addition to the regular salary and any other bonuses or allowances.

Dutch Job Salaries for Popular Professions


  • Architect – 5,900 EUR
  • CAD Drafter – 2,610 EUR
  • Construction Estimator – 2,980 EUR
  • Construction Manager – 4,560 EUR
  • Environmental Engineer – 3,780 EUR
  • Geologist – 3,430 EUR
  • Graphic Designer – 2,490 EUR
  • Industrial Designer – 3,010 EUR
  • Interior Designer – 2,660 EUR

Healthcare / Medical

  • Physician – 6,950 EUR
  • Psychiatrist – 6,880 EUR
  • Dentist – 5,540 EUR
  • Registered Nurse – 2,900 EUR

Information Technology (IT)

  • Web Developer – 2,700 EUR
  • Network Administrator – 3,120 EUR
  • Software Engineer – 4,090 EUR
  • Systems Analyst – 3,290 EUR

Tourism/ Hotel / Catering

  • Chef – 2,560 EUR
  • Hotel Manager – 4,870 EUR
  • Restaurant Manager – 3,020 EUR
  • Salesperson – 2,620 EUR

A Comparison of Dutch Wages Based on City

The highest average salary based on the city is Amsterdam. Workers here earn about 5,370 EUR per month on average. This is closely followed by Utrecht, where the average salary is 5,340 EUR. Rotterdam comes in at a close third, with an average salary of 5,210 EUR. The lowest average salary can be found in Arnhem, where workers earn an average of 4,560 EUR per month.

The largest discrepancy in wages between cities can be found between Amsterdam and Arnhem. Workers in Amsterdam earn about 910 EUR more per month than those in Arnhem. This is a difference of about 20%.

When comparing salaries across different cities, it is important to keep in mind the cost of living in each city. For example, while the average salary in Arnhem is lower than in Amsterdam, the cost of living in Arnhem is also lower. This means that workers in Arnhem may have a higher standard of living than those in Amsterdam, despite earning less money.

In general, salaries in the Netherlands are relatively high when compared to other countries. For example, the average salary in the Netherlands is about 3,640 EUR per month.

This is significantly higher than the average salary in neighboring Belgium, which is only 2,640 EUR per month. This difference of about 1,000 EUR per month represents a wage gap of 38%.

The Netherlands’ Standard Hourly Wage

In the Netherlands, the average hourly earning is 28 EUR. The minimum wage is set at 14.35 EUR and the average monthly salary is around 3,770 EUR. The Netherlands has a high standard of living, with wages that are relatively high compared to other countries.

The cost of living in the Netherlands is also relatively high. Housing, food, and transportation costs are all higher than in many other countries. However, the Dutch government provides significant subsidies for housing and transportation, which helps offset some of the costs.

The Netherlands has a strong economy and a highly skilled workforce. The country’s major industries include agriculture, manufacturing, financial services, and tourism. The Netherlands is also home to many international companies, such as Philips Electronics and Unilever.

The Salary Differences Between the Government and Private Sectors

On average, public sector workers in the Netherlands earn 5% more than their private-sector colleagues. This is because the government offers better working conditions and benefits, such as a pension and more holidays.

The average salary in the private sector is €3,770 per month, while the average salary in the public sector is €3,960 per month.

The highest salaries in the Netherlands are found in the banking and finance sector, where employees earn an average of €4,420 per month. Other well-paid industries include oil and gas (€4,280 per month), information technology (€4,180 per month) and pharmaceuticals (€4,090 per month).