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Average Salary in Bulgaria

How much does a Bulgarian worker earn?

In Bulgaria, the average monthly wage for a worker is around 3,300 BGN. Salaries vary from 840 BGN to 14,700 BGN.

This figure represents the average monthly pay, which includes accommodation, transportation, and other perks, every month. Salaries for various occupations might be dramatically different. For example, a teacher may earn around 960 BGN per month, while an engineer might earn 4,000 BGN.

Several factors affect salary levels in Bulgaria. Some of these include the level of education, the area of specialization, experience, and skills, as well as other factors such as gender and age. Additionally, salaries might be higher in areas with a stronger economy, such as the capital city of Sofia.

Despite the relatively low average monthly salary in Bulgaria, workers in the country enjoy several social benefits and perks that contribute to a high quality of life. For example, healthcare is generally covered by the government and is available at a very low cost. Additionally, public transportation is affordable and accessible, making getting around the country relatively easy.

In general, workers in Bulgaria are satisfied with their salaries and enjoy a good quality of life. However, some note that there is room for improvement in terms of overall salary levels in the country.

Bulgarian Hourly Wage

Bulgarians earn an average of 19 BGN per hour as their hourly income. According to this figure, the average wage in Bulgaria is around 19 BGN per hour of labor.

But this hourly wage also depends on the company and the type of work being done. Some sectors, such as healthcare or education, tend to pay higher wages than others, like retail or hospitality.

Additionally, some companies offer better compensation packages and benefits that can increase an employee’s hourly wage above the average rate.

Bulgarian Salary Distribution

Salary Scale

Bulgarian salaries vary from 840 to 14,700 BGN per month. The highest salaries are in the IT and financial sectors. The average gross salary is about 5,600 BGN per month or 1,000 EUR (1,200 USD).

Net salaries range from 500 to 6,300 BGN per month depending on personal tax deductions. The minimum compensation guaranteed by law is 410 BGN per month.

Median Salary

The median monthly salary in Bulgaria is 3,370 BGN, which implies that half of the population earns less than 3,370 BGN and the 50% earn more than 3,370 BGN. The median wage in Bulgaria is 3,370 BGN. Income inequality is relatively high in Bulgaria.

The top 10% of earners in Bulgaria make more than 7,380 BGN per month, while the bottom 10% of earners make less than 1,560 BGN per month.


Approximately one-fifth of the population earns less than 1,890 BGN, while 75% earn more than 1,890 BGN.

The average income of the top 5% of earners is 10,240 BGN per month while the average income of the bottom 5% of earners is 815 BGN per month.

Do average and median salaries differ?

Both average and median salaries are indicators. It is a sign of success in life when your income exceeds both the national average and the national median.

If your salary is lower than that of your coworkers, there is a lot of room for growth.

The average pay is calculated by dividing the total number of employees by the average salary. When half of the employees earn more and half are paid less, this is known as the “median pay.”

The top 50% of earnings are those who earn more than both averages. You’re in the lowest half of earnings if you fall below both averages.

Gender-Based Wage Comparison in Bulgaria

On average, men workers in Bulgaria earn 6% more than their female colleagues, regardless of the industry they are in. This gender pay gap is the result of some factors, including but not limited to:

  • The prevalence of women in lower-paying sectors such as education and health care
  • The fact that women are more likely to take on part-time or flexible working arrangements to accommodate caring responsibilities

As a result, they have less bargaining power when it comes to salaries and benefits. This can also lead to women being overlooked for promotions and advancement opportunities, further perpetuating the gender pay gap in Bulgaria.

Education-Based Salary Comparisons in Bulgaria

Does one’s degree of education have an impact on how much one makes?

In Bulgaria, those with a tertiary education make 2.5 times more than those who only have a secondary education, on average.

There is a significant difference in earnings between those with different levels of educational attainment in Bulgaria. In general, those with higher levels of education earn more than those with lower levels of education.

On average, Bulgarians with a tertiary education make 2.5 times more than those with just a secondary education, according to data from the National Statistical Institute. This reflects the significant value that Bulgarian society places on higher education and the growing importance of skills and knowledge in the current economy.

However, it is important to note that many other factors can affect earnings, such as experience, occupation, and sector of employment. So while education is a major factor in determining earnings, it is not the only one.

Obtaining a master’s degree or equivalent is the highest level of education for more than half of employed people in Bulgaria. The next most common level of education is secondary education, which is attained by just over a quarter of employed Bulgarians.

If an employee has a master’s degree, they are most likely to work in the field of education. Other common industries for those with a master’s degree include health care and social work, business and finance, and public administration.

Bulgarian Average Annual Salary Increase

How much do Bulgarians get paid each year? How frequently do workers get raises in their salary?

Every 20 months, Bulgarian workers can expect to see their wages rise by around 7%. Many factors contribute to this, such as inflation and keeping up with competitors, but the main reason is that wages in Bulgaria are so low.

The average annual salary for a Bulgarian worker is about 25,000 BGN, which is significantly lower than that of many other European countries.

Despite this low salary, Bulgarian workers are still able to enjoy a relatively high quality of life, thanks to the country’s relatively low cost of living. Some factors that contribute to this include low taxes and inexpensive housing and utilities.

While there are certainly some challenges facing Bulgarian workers in terms of salary and quality of life, many people are still able to succeed in their careers and enjoy a comfortable standard of living.

And with the potential for continued growth in wages over time, there is hope that Bulgarian workers will be able to achieve even greater success in the future.

2022 Annual Increment Rates by Industry in Bulgaria

Corporations in prospering sectors tend to provide greater and more frequent increases to their employees. There are few exceptions, but, in general, the financial health of any firm is directly tied to the state of the economy of the nation or area in which it operates.

These data are subject to periodic revision.

  • Information Technology – 9%
  • Education – 6%
  • Healthcare – 5%
  • Manufacturing – 4%
  • Construction – 3%
  • Retail and Hospitality – 2%
  • Other industries – 1%

While some industries may experience lower annual salary increases than others, it is important to remember that each industry has unique needs.

For example, the highly competitive landscape of the technology sector means that it needs to constantly attract and retain talent by providing raises and other benefits to employees.

On the other hand, industries such as healthcare or education are often heavily regulated, meaning that their workers may not be able to demand higher salaries to stay competitive

Average Rate of Salary Increases by Level of Experience

Junior level Bulgarian employees have an average salary increase of 3-5% per year. Experienced employees have an average salary increase of 5-8% per year. Managers have an average salary increase of 8-10% per year.

Take note that these salary increase averages are for the general workforce in Bulgaria. Your salary increase may be higher or lower depending on your company, position, and other factors.

Comparing Salaries Based on Years of Work Experience

How does Bulgarian worker salary increase grow over time?

The salary of a Bulgarian worker tends to increase over time, depending on several factors. These factors include the level of experience that a worker has, as well as their skill level and education.

Additionally, the economic conditions in Bulgaria can play a role in determining how much workers are paid, as well as other external factors such as inflation and changes in the job market.

In general, salaries in Bulgaria grow steadily over time, with experienced workers earning more than those who are just starting. However, there can be significant variation in earnings depending on a worker’s specific skill set and industry.

For example, workers in the IT sector tend to earn higher salaries than those in other industries, due to the high demand for skilled workers in this field. Similarly, workers with higher levels of education and training will also typically earn more than those without these credentials.

Bulgarian Bonus and Incentive Figures

How frequently and how much are bonuses given to Bulgarian workers?

When asked about bonuses and incentives, 49% of Bulgarian employees indicated they had none, while 51% stated they had gotten some kind of financial reward.

Bonuses received by employees ranged from 3% to 6% of their yearly salaries. The most common types of bonuses were those based on performance, such as productivity or quality-based incentives. Other types of bonuses included those for attendance and punctuality, and exceeding sales or production quotas.

While the frequency of bonuses varied by industry, most workers did not receive them very often. In general, employees working in manufacturing and service industries were more likely to receive bonuses than those in other sectors.

Bonuses Types

Individualized Performance Bonuses

Companies provide individualized performance bonuses to employees as a way to reward and incentive good job performance. Individualized performance bonuses are based on an employee’s job performance, rather than the company’s overall profitability or revenue.

Individualized performance bonuses can be given in the form of cash, stocks, or other benefits. Many companies offer bonuses to employees based on their performance metrics, such as the number of sales made or customer service ratings.

Additionally, some companies provide bonuses for long-term retention, recognizing employees who have been with the company for many years.

There are several benefits to providing individualized performance bonuses to employees. First, these bonuses help motivate good job performance and can increase employee morale. Additionally, they help reduce turnover by encouraging employees to stay with the company for the long term.

Company Performance-based Bonuses

The company’s performance-based reward system usually comes in the form of a bonus. This type of bonus is given to employees based on the company’s overall profitability or revenue.

This means that even if an individual employee did not have a great year, they could still receive a bonus if the company as a whole did well. Conversely, even if an individual employee had a very successful year, they may not receive a bonus if the company did poorly.

There are several advantages to offering performance-based bonuses to employees. First, these bonuses help boost employee morale and can incentivize good performance. Additionally, they help promote team collaboration and a sense of ownership among employees.

Goal-based Rewards

The goal-based bonuses are given if an employee reached a specific goal set by their employer. These goals could be based on individual performance, team performance, or a combination of both.

For example, an individual employee may receive a bonus for reaching a sales target, while a team may receive a bonus for meeting a customer satisfaction goal. Goal-based bonuses can be given in the form of cash, stocks, or other benefits.

There are many advantages to offering goal-based bonuses to employees. First, these bonuses can help improve productivity and motivate employees to achieve their goals. Plus, they help create a sense of teamwork and camaraderie within the company.

Holiday/Year-End Bonuses

Holiday and year-end bonuses are given to employees as a way to show appreciation for their hard work throughout the year. These bonuses can be given in the form of cash, stocks, or other benefits.

Many companies offer holiday bonuses to their employees as a way to show appreciation for their work during the busy holiday season. Further, some companies offer year-end bonuses to employees as a way to thank them for their work throughout the year.

There are several advantages to offering holiday and year-end bonuses to employees. These bonuses help show appreciation for employees’ hard work and can boost morale. Holiday bonuses can help retain good employees by showing that they are valued by the company.

Besides, year-end bonuses can help encourage employees to stay with the company for the long term.

Bonus Rates by Job Title

What qualifies a job for large bonuses and high pay in Bulgaria?

In general, people in Bulgaria with college degrees and professional experience tend to earn higher incomes than those without. Certain professions receive different bonus rates and salaries based on their job title

For example, doctors and lawyers usually earn more than teachers or retail workers. This is because they have a higher level of education and training, and they are in professions that require a lot of responsibility.

Also, people who work in sales or management positions often receive larger bonuses than other employees, since their performance can have a big impact on company revenue

Many factors influence bonus rates and salaries in Bulgaria. Whether you have a college degree, your job title, experience level, and the industry you work in all play important roles in determining how much money you make.

Bonuses by Seniority

Senior positions in Bulgaria traditionally offer extra perks to their incumbents. The Director of the company gets a private parking space, a monthly allowance for taxi and travel costs, health insurance, and more.

Long tenure employees are often rewarded with additional bonuses and perks. These benefits may include a monthly allowance for travel or taxi costs, private parking spaces, increased flexibility in hours or work location, and more.

While these types of benefits may seem insignificant, they can make a big difference for employees who spend a large amount of time on the road or commuting to and from work each day.

For employees with long commutes, a private parking space or monthly taxi allowance can be a lifesaver. And for employees who have to juggle family and work commitments, increased flexibility in work hours or location can be a huge help.

Bulgarian Salaries for Popular Careers

Administration / Secretarial

  • Administrative Assistant – 1,710 BGN
  • Receptionist – 1,610 BGN
  • Office Manager – 2,920 BGN
  • CEO / Managing Director – 5,530 BGN


  • Accountant – 1,910 BGN
  • Financial Analyst – 2,290 BGN
  • Investment Banker – 3,140 BGN

Human Resources

  • HR Coordinator – 1,780 BGN
  • HR Manager – 3,110 BGN
  • Recruiter – 2,150 BGN

Marketing / Sales

  • Marketing Manager – 2,740 BGN
  • Sales Representative – 1,980 BGN
  • Public Relations – 3,040 BGN
  • Lawyer – 3,710 BGN


  • Web Developer – 2,340 BGN
  • Network Administrator – 2,000 BGN
  • Software Engineer – 2,560 BGN
  • Database Administrator – 2,280 BGN


  • Elementary School Teacher – 1,480 BGN
  • Middle School Teacher – 1,590 BGN
  • High School Teacher – 1,740 BGN

Nursing / Healthcare

  • Registered Nurse – 1,410 BGN
  • Nurse Practitioner – 2,480 BGN
  • Physician – 3,050 BGN

Arts and Culture

  • Actor – 2,490 BGN
  • Musician / Composer – 1,710 BGN
  • Visual Arts Designer – 2,220 BGN

Bulgarian Salary Comparisons by City

The salary also varies depending on the city where you live in. Plovdiv and Sofia are the cities with the highest salaries, where a person can earn around 3,720 – 3,860 BGN.

Salary is one of the most important factors when considering relocation or finding a new job. It is important to know how your salary will compare to the cost of living in different cities.

The reason why salaries vary depending on the city is that different cities have different costs of living. In Plovdiv and Sofia, the cost of living is higher than in other cities, so salaries are also higher. However, there are some cities where the cost of living is relatively low, but salaries are also lower.

The Salary Differences Between the Government and Private Sector in Bulgaria

Across all sectors, Bulgarian public workers earn 9% more than their private-sector colleagues. The salary differences between the government and private sector in Bulgaria are significant.

Across all sectors, public workers earn 9% more than their private-sector counterparts. This is especially true for certain professions such as engineering and IT, where public employees can expect to earn almost 20% more on average than those working in the private sector.