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Average Salary in Mozambique

Mozambique’s Average Hourly Pay

The average hourly pay in Mozambique is 230 MZN per hour. The average workweek in Mozambique is 41 hours per week, and the average person makes about 1,770 MZN per month. This works out to a monthly salary of 29,000 MZN.

The low hourly pay in Mozambique may be related to high unemployment rates, which are around 40%.

How much does a Mozambican worker make?

Mozambican workers generally earn roughly 40,200 MZN per month. This number is calculated based on the average wage in Mozambique as a whole and should be representative of most workers.

About half of all Mozambican workers live under the poverty line, which means an active worker makes around 80% that of this number.

In fact, 11% of Mozambicans earn more than 100,000 MZN per month, which is very high-income by any standard. These kinds of incomes are only possible for senior management at large companies or organisations, though there are certainly plenty of civilians who own their own businesses to reach that level of salary.

Salary By Education

What effect does education have on pay?

Having a degree and working in a high-skilled occupation can net a person a higher salary. People who have achieved a bachelor’s degree can expect, on average, to earn over MZN 1 million per year.

People with an associate degree only make about 40% of the salary of those with a bachelor’s degree and less than 20% of those with a master’s degree.

Those without a high school diploma earn about 30% less than someone with a bachelor’s degree.

The salary difference between those with and without a college education is evident around the world. In Mozambique, the difference is even more pronounced, with those with a college education earning over MZN 1.5 million per year, while those without a high school diploma earn about MZN 505,000 per year.

Is an MBA or Master’s degree worth it? Should you go to college?

Obtaining a degree in Mozambique is well worth it, as those with a college degree earn more than 1.5 million per year. For those looking to obtain an advanced degree, getting an MBA or Master’s would be well worth it as the salary will be even higher than that of someone with a bachelor’s degree.

Average Salary Growth Rates by Experience in Mozambique

The average salary growth rates in Mozambique vary depending on the level of experience of the employee.

Entry-level employees can expect a salary growth rate of around 33%, while those with more than 10 years of experience can see their salaries grow by an average of 50%.

But remember that this is the average. In reality, salaries may be much lower or much higher than these averages, depending on a lot of factors including level of experience and type of industry.

These numbers are based on the results from the Salary Survey released by AIM Mozambique Association that provides information related to salary growth rates in Mozambique.

Salary Distribution in Mozambique

Pay Scale

Monthly salaries in Mozambique start at 10,200 MZN. Salaries in Mozambique are based on years of employment. The average salary in Mozambique is 12,000 MZN. Salaries in Mozambique also vary according to the profession, with doctors earning 18,000 MZN monthly while entry-level employees earn about 10,200 MZN.

Median Wage

According to the data, half of the population earns less than 38,600 MZN each month, while the other half earns more. Mozambique’s average salary is 2,400 MZN a month, but the median wage is 38,600 MZN a month.

This means that half of all workers in Mozambique make 38,600 a month or more. The other half makes less than this amount.


25% of the population earns less than 21,900 MZN whereas 75% earn more. Benin’s median salary is 21,900 MZN. The poorest 25% of the population earns less than 21,900 MZN whereas the richest 75% earns more than it.

What’s the difference between the median and the average salary?

Median and average salaries are both indicators. In Mozambique,  the “average” salary is the middle point of all salaries in Mozambique and has been increasing since 2000, according to a UN report.

If your salary is lower than the “average” salary, it is below the middle point. If your salary is higher than the “average” salary, it is above the middle point. The “median” salary, on the other hand, is the salary that falls in the exact middle of all salaries in Mozambique.

Salary by Years of Professional Experience

How does a person’s pay grow over time in Mozambique?

If you are working in Mozambique you may be interested in knowing how your pay scales with time.

In Mozambique, the salary by years of professional experience increases as follows

  • In the first three months after being employed – 50% of the minimum salary.
  • During the second six months – 60%.
  • During the third year – 70 %.
  • From the fourth year on – 80%.

The salary by years of professional experience in Mozambique is therefore considerably lower than in other countries.

Either way, it’s always best to negotiate a better salary package before starting work.

Salaries For High-Paying Professions in Mozambique

Administration / Reception / Secretarial

  • Administrative Assistant – 20,200 MZN
  • Office Manager – 33,800 MZN
  • Receptionist – 14,700 MZN
  • Secretary – 17,300 MZN


  • Architect – 47,600 MZN
  • CAD Drafter – 20,000 MZN
  • Construction Engineer – 23,800 MZN
  • Restoration Architect – 34,400 MZN
  • City Planner – 20,200 MZN
  • Civil Engineer – 24,900 MZN

Electrics / Plumbing

  • Electrical Engineer – 37,700 MZN
  • Electrician (Industrial) – 22,000 MZN
  • Engineering Manager – 40,000 MZN
  • Surveyor – 19. 700MZN


  • Dentist – 139,600 MZN
  • Doctor (General Practice) – 78,000 MZN
  • Medical Laboratory Technician – 23,700 MZN
  • Midwife – 29,400 MZN
  • Optometrist – 31,500 MZN
  • Pharmacist – 49,800 MZN
  • Podiatrist – 34,200 MZN
  • Psychologist – 37.100MZN
  • Quantity Surveyor – 24.600MZN
  • Veterinarian – 47.000MZN


  • Attorney – 25,100 MZN
  • Paralegal (Legal Assistant) – 21,400 MZN

Gender Salary Comparison in Mozambique

Male workers in Mozambique have a higher average salary than their female counterparts. On average, men earn MZN 2,013 per month while women earn only MZN 1,290. This wage gap persists even after taking into account factors such as education level, experience and occupation.

There are a number of reasons for this gender pay gap. For one, women are often responsible for unpaid domestic work and child care, which takes away from the time they have to work outside the home.

While there is still a lot of progress to be made when it comes to gender equality in the workforce, there are some initiatives that are working to close the wage gap.

For example, the government of Mozambique has introduced a policy to promote gender parity in the workplace. This policy requires all state-owned enterprises to have at least 50% female representation on their boards of directors.

Mozambique’s Annual Pay Increase

Do Mozambican salaries rise annually? How often do employees get raises?

Employees in Mozambique may expect a 4% pay rise every 29 months. This is based on the current rate of inflation, which has been hovering around 10% in recent years.

In order to keep up with rising prices, employees typically receive a raise approximately every 29 months. However, this can vary depending on the company and individual employees’ bargaining power.

Some companies offer their employees an annual raise, while others wait until the employee’s contract comes up for renewal.

Regardless of when it happens, most Mozambicans welcome any increase in their paychecks. The cost of living continues to rise each year, making it increasingly difficult to make ends meet.

Annual Industry Growth Rate

Organizations in thriving sectors tend to provide greater and more frequent increases. There are exceptions, but in general, a company’s status is directly linked to the country’s or region’s economic situation. These values tend to swing.

  • Construction – 9%
  • Banking – 3%
  • Tourism – 10%
  • Telecommunications – 5%
  • Electricity – 6%

Motivational Bonuses in Mozambique

How frequently and how much are bonuses given?

Bonuses are a major source of motivation in Mozambique. These a common among employees working in the private sector and governmental institutions alike, depending on how well one has worked.

In general, bonuses are paid out twice a year: once during the summer and once during the winter season. In some cases, it is also possible to receive an additional bonus at times when a particular job assignment ends or if there is a specific reason for a celebration such as a company anniversary.

In addition to these “typical” bonuses, often employers offer their employees extra money in return for good performance at work, for instance, because they have arrived particularly early or late to work – even though this is against company policy – or have been able to complete a special task very quickly.

Incentives Considered

Individualized Performance Bonuses

Individualized Performance Bonuses (IPBs) are a type of variable pay that is meant to encourage and motivate individual employees by connecting the amount of money they receive with their individual performance.

They can be used as an incentive to reward and retain key employees or to provide support for specific business needs such as sales incentives, safety initiatives, productivity improvements, training programs, cost reduction efforts and so on.

Performance-based pay

The performance-based incentives are often cash bonuses, but can also include other types of rewards such as extra days off, gift certificates, or merchandise.

These are given to employees whose work meets or exceeds the expectations set by their supervisors.

Employees who do not meet the expectations may still receive a portion of their incentive, but it will usually be less than what is received by those who perform satisfactorily.

The purpose of performance-based pay is to improve employee productivity and motivation.

Goal-based Bonuses

Goal-based bonuses are given out every time an employee reaches a goal. This type of bonus is usually given in addition to other types of bonuses, such as performance-based or attendance-based bonuses.

Goal-based bonuses can be given to employees at any level within an organization, from the CEO down to the entry-level employee. They are typically based on either financial goals or non-financial goals.

Financial goals might include increasing profits or reducing costs, while non-financial goals could include improving customer service or increasing employee productivity.

Holiday/Year-End Bonuses

Holiday bonuses are a common way to thank employees for their hard work throughout the year.

Generally, employers will distribute bonuses in December or January. The bonus amount is usually a percentage of the employee’s base salary and may be based on tenure or performance.

Some companies offer holiday bonuses to all employees, while others reserve them for managerial or executive staff only. In some cases, the company may award a bonus to an individual employee instead of distributing it among all workers.

Comparing Bonuses for Different Careers

What makes a job worth high pay and generous bonuses?

High pay and bonuses in Mozambique across different careers are in large part due to the high demand for skilled labor, which is in turn caused by a very low unemployment rate.

Mozambique’s GDP growth was 6.2% last year. That’s more than double its annual average over the previous decade, according to the IMF.  The government has boosted spending on health care and education, providing jobs that are essential for improving living conditions in Mozambique.

As Mozambican professionals begin to take on management level positions within their companies, there will be an inevitable rise of executives who will seek salaries commensurate with their qualifications.

Seniority-Level Bonuses in Mozambique

The bonus rates and frequency of senior workers and senior members of management are inherently greater than those of subordinate employees.

In Mozambique, the legal minimum bonus rates are based on an employee’s seniority level and position within the company. Bonuses are typically paid twice a year, in June and December.

The table below outlines the legal minimum bonus rates as of 2017:

Employee Category Minimum Bonus (MZN)

  • Junior Employee 1,500
  • Regular Employee 2,000
  • Management 3,000
  • Senior Worker 4,000
  • Senior Member of Management 6,000

The Salary Differences Between the Government and Private Sectors in Mozambique

Public sectors of Mozambique earn salaries that are significantly higher than private-sector employees. In the public sector, nurses earn an average of 9,600 MZN per month while a nurse in the private sector earns 4,000 MZN.

An engineer in the public sector earns an average of 34,000 MZN while an engineer in the private sector earns 18,000 MZN.

The government has indicated it plans to reduce these salary disparities by 2019. The government recently announced it will increase the salaries of all employees in the public sector by 10%. This increase will benefit 1.3 million workers and will cost the government 2.1 billion MZN.