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Average Salary in Lebanon

How much money does an employee in Lebanon earn?

In Lebanon, the average monthly salary for an employee is roughly 2,280,000 LBP.

However, this does not factor in other benefits such as tax-free revenues from bonus schemes and profit-sharing schemes; company contributions to expenses such as transportation tickets or medical insurance premiums; additional raises during Ramadan and Christmas where most employees receive a raise of 10%.

In addition, employers will often provide house helpers, paid vacation periods, and severance packages for terminated or retiring employees. The total last wage package can be roughly 3 times an employee’s monthly salary.

The average Lebanese employee earns 60,960 USD per year when converted to USD. This is fairly low in comparison with many other middle-income countries where the median income is far higher than Lebanon’s.

Salary Distribution in Lebanon

Salary Scale

Monthly salaries in Lebanon vary from 577,000 LBP to 577,000 LBP. Salaries are distributed according to an average salary scale.

Depending on the employees’ qualifications, certifications, and job titles, salaries can vary between different officials of similar positions.

The distribution of these salaries occurs according to a fixed salary scale depending on their qualifications, certifications, and job title.

Salary Median

The median monthly wage is 2,140,000 LBP, which implies that half of the population earns less than 2,140,000 LBP and the other half earns more than 2,140,000 LBP. Median Salary in Lebanon – LBP 2,140,000 per month.

The national annual mean income for full-time workers was around 30 million LBP while a household of five required a minimum of 37 million lira to meet basic needs.


In this country, 25% of people make less than 1,220,000 LBP, while 75% make more than that amount. Percentiles are a way to determine how data is distributed. In Lebanon, the median income is 2,150,000 LBP per year.

That means that 50% of people make less than that amount and 50% make more.

Salaries may vary by age. For example, a 25-year-old might take home about 1,300,000 LBP annually if they’re in their early career stage, while a 40-year-old might only make 900,000 LBP at their peak earning power.

These would both place them at the 70th percentile for yearly earnings for each demographic respectively since there’s not much difference between them based on this statistic alone.

How much does the median pay differ from the average salary?

The main difference between median pay and the average salary is that while the median is a mid-point in a range of numbers, the average salary is simply a statistical measure of how many people are paid on a scale.

Median pay can be used to describe both an individual’s income or that of a larger group of workers, such as one rank within that company.

In some cases, only mean income may be indicated by data sources and cannot provide information about the spread of pay levels even though it does give an overall picture.

Median pay is also seen as less likely to get skewed by outliers than mean statistics.

Comparing Salaries Based on Years of Experience

How does an individual’s income increase over time in Lebanon?

Workers in Lebanon have a salary increase depending on their years of experience. However, salaries of workers near retirement age are usually lower than their income in the past.

Hence, it is important to look into the average salary increase per experience year. Read below how salaries vary based on years of experience.

The starting salary in Lebanon is LBP 10,000 per month. After 15 years of experience, the average is LBP 17,000 per month.

After 20 years of experience, the average salary is LBP 28,500 per month. Other factors are also taken into consideration when assessing salaries in Lebanon including job industry and location among others.

Salary Comparisons According to Education

What effect does your degree of education have on your salary?

Education may have an impact on your salary, especially in Lebanon. In fact, if you have a bachelor’s degree in Lebanon, you can expect to earn about 23% more than someone who only has a high school diploma.

On the other hand, in most developed countries around the world with a well-developed economy and a fairly educated populace, a person without a college degree earns more than their counterparts with an associate degree or some college education.

In these countries, higher education is seen as something that gives individuals personal fulfillment rather than professional advancement.

In Lebanon specifically, getting at least an undergraduate degree will increase your odds of employment by almost 50%.

All this proves that even though it might seem like degrees are becoming less valuable in Lebanon and elsewhere, they really do impact how much money you can make later on in life.

Therefore, if you want to increase your earning potential, getting a college degree is undoubtedly one of the best options available to you.

Salary Comparisons in Lebanon by Gender

On average, male workers in Lebanon earn 16% more than female employees across all industries.

Women workers are usually clustered in certain sectors and industries. For example, the average salary for female banking and insurance employees is $1,300 LBP per month, while male employees earn $1,500 LBP.

The majority of women in Lebanon work under temporary contracts because they are less likely to be offered permanent positions than men after a certain time has passed with no pregnancies or contract terminations.

In addition, many companies discourage their female workers from working more than 8 hours a day by only offering them half-time positions with reduced salary packages – which means that they do not qualify for benefits such as maternity leave and retirement pensions.

When compared with males who work 9 hour days, women receive 22% lower pay.

This is not just a problem for women, but also for Lebanon’s economy as it deters female workers from receiving higher education degrees and reduces their contribution to the labor pool.

Percentage Increase in Average Annual Salary in Lebanon

In Lebanon, how much do yearly wage increases cost? How often do workers get compensation increases?

The yearly salary increase in Lebanon is LBP 11,739 or around US$11.50 while the cost of yearly salary increase is 4.3 % which is high considering Lebanon has a relatively low inflation rate of 0.2%.

The cost of yearly wage increase in Lebanon is 4.4% which means it’s not very affordable and most employees cannot afford to give their workers an additional boost in wages even though they might need it to improve their lives standards so they can afford better housing, education, and nourishment.

All private establishments in Lebanon can give their workers compensation increases whenever they want even if the employee is entitled to a yearly salary increase as per his agreement with the employer.

Yearly Growth Rates by Sector in

  • Education – 5%
  • Construction – 3%
  • Manufacturing – 7%
  • Retail and Wholesale Trade – 3.5%
  • Transportation and Storage – 4%
  • Information and Communication – 5%
  • Financial Services – 2.2%
  • Health – 2.5%
  • Hotels and Restaurants – 3.2%
  • Public Administration and Defence – 0.7%

Businesses operating in strong sectors often grant larger and more regular increases. While exceptions occur, the economic status of each corporation is inextricably linked to the economic state of the nation or area.

These data are subject to change on a regular basis.

Average Salary Increase Rates by Level of Experience in Lebanon

Salaries in Lebanon are linked to the cost of living. It is common that salary increases do not meet or exceed inflation rates.

Currently, there are no federal minimum wage laws for private-sector employees, who make up 80% of the workforce.

Although how much an individual worker earns will be largely dependent on their level of experience, company funding, and time spent at a place of employment, some generalizations can be made about average salaries for workers in different categories.

For junior-level workers, salaries are typically at the level of 200,000 LBP ($133 USD). Those with mid-level experience can expect to earn closer to 400,000 LBP ($267 USD). High-level workers may be paid as much as 800,000 LBP ($533 USD) per month.

As previously stated, many factors go into how much an individual worker earns in Lebanon.

To find out what salary you should expect to receive if you work here, it is important first to investigate the industry in which you will be employed.

From there, research the average salaries for that sector and use that information as a base guideline when negotiating your own salary

Lebanon Bonus and Reward Rates

How much money is granted to Lebanese workers as a bonus and how often does it happen?

Lebanon has a culture that values hard-working citizens and pays them for their efforts. There are several types of bonuses that can be given to hard-working, diligent workers in Lebanon.

The three most common bonuses are end of service gratuity (gratuity), double-time pay (double time), and overtime payment (overtime).

In the Middle East, it is very common practice to give an employee extra money called “kafala” or a gratuity upon completion of years working for an employer.

In Lebanon, this is referred to as the end of service gratuity, EOSG, or simply gratuity, which is also commonly known as “Etazalet al Ma’ash”.

Different Types of Bonuses

Bonuses for Individual Performance

Individual performance bonuses are given to employees when the employer wishes to reward them for any specific act or service performed. Examples of individual performance bonuses are given below:

  • Individuals who have completed more than the original work target will be awarded an individual bonus.
  • Employees who have not only performed their duties, but also performed them well enough to exceed expectations will receive bonuses.
  • Bonuses may be also given as a reimbursement for expenses incurred during official travel or business trip if the employee has spent a lot less money compared to the budgeted sum.

Bonuses for Company Performance

Bonuses based on company performance are a well-known and common practice in companies today. It is supposed to motivate employees to work harder and better.

Company performance should be good so that employees can receive a bonus for it. However, those who work at the companies do not always share the fate of their employer.

In some cases, the morale of employees will be low even if the company performs well. In those situations, employers should do more to motivate their workers.

Bonuses Based on Goals Achieved

Bonuses based on goals achieved are given to employees when they meet goals or targets of the company earlier than expected.

Not meeting set goals does not mean that no bonus will be given at all. A lower amount may be considered for this type of employee motivation and reward plan.

Employees who have joined a new firm are often offered bonuses based on their ability to meet certain criteria within a certain amount of time which is important when it comes to start-up companies where you are dealing with employees who are professionals in their field but do not have much experience in your particular field.

This is because the company wishes to compensate them for having become employed by the company, for example in case they have left another job to join you.

Some employers choose to give these types of commissions only after a certain amount of time has passed to ensure that the employee in question is a good fit for their company.

Holiday / Year-End Bonuses

The main objective of holiday bonuses is to motivate employees to work harder during the year before they take their holidays.

This also helps employers who would like to thank their employees for having served them during that specific year. This type of bonus can be given at any time during the year but it should not be part of the employee’s regular salary.

Holiday bonuses are often included in an employment contract so that both parties are aware of how it will be handled by each party.

Employees receive a bonus when they have worked without being absent from the workplace for more than 10 days throughout the year or have not been late for work more than 15 times per month which has been approved by management.

Comparing Bonus Rates by Career Field

What qualifies a job as deserving of substantial incentives and a high salary in Lebanon?

A job qualifies as deserving of a substantial bonus in Lebanon if the career field requires specific training and experience.

For example, a doctor would qualify for a high salary and a bonus upon completion of his or her residency program. The doctor has trained long hours to gain the necessary skills required to serve patients in today’s competitive health care environment.

Another example would be an executive who negotiates deals abroad to attain foreign investment from international companies looking for sites to set up manufacturing plants in Lebanon.

This important job taking place at economic development agencies across Lebanon is also deserving of incentives/bonuses since it often entails extensive travel outside of Lebanon’s borders to converse with potential investors and attend business conferences where Lebanese officials can network with world leaders through direct association.

Comparing Bonuses Based on Seniority

In Lebanon, a worker is usually given a monthly bonus which is calculated based on seniority. More senior workers tend to receive higher bonuses while newcomers are often not paid the same amount.

The seniority-based system produces several different effects in the workplace.

In addition to incentivizing employees to perform well and maintain their position within their company, it also encourages new employees to be more productive when they first begin working for a company because if they do not produce what the employer expects from them then they will have no chance of being paid an increased bonus after six months or a year of service.

The idea behind this system makes sense because it allows employees serving at a company for a long time to be rewarded for their work because they have gained enough experience in their position.

However, this system can also be problematic if not executed correctly because it could also discourage new employees from staying at a company for more than six months or a year because they wouldn’t believe that their value to the company will ever increase and think of moving on.

Other ways employers could stop this problem is by offering higher increases each time and ensuring that everyone who works hard gets paid enough

The seniority-based bonus system is one-way companies incentivize employees but requires close monitoring to ensure that newcomers get treated fairly while older workers are not discouraged from further improving themselves.

Salary Information For Popular Jobs

Business Planning

  • Business Analyst – 3,020,000 LBP
  • Business Development Manager – 3,610,000 LBP
  • Budget Analyst – 1,690,000 LBP
  • Business Development Manager – 3,610,000 LBP

Project Management

  • Construction Project Manager – 2,760,000 LBP
  • Supply Chain Project Manager – 4,120 000 LBP
  • Project Planning and Control Manager – 3,020 LBP
  • Construction Project Manager – 2,760,000 LBP

Human Resources

  • Human Resource Manager – 4,120 LBP
  • Employee Relations Specialist – 3,340 LBP
  • Recruitment Officer – 2,760 LBP
  • Retail Sales Manager – 3,340 LBP
  • Sales Executive – 2,760 LBP
  • Customer Service Supervisor – 2,760 LBP
  • Accounts Receivable Officer – 1,690 LBP

Medical Field

  • Practice Assistant – 3,340 LBP
  • Medical Laboratory Officer – 2,760 LBP
  • Nurse – 3,340 LBP
  • Nursing Supervisor – 4,120 LBP
  • Health Unit Coordinator – 2,700 LBP

Lebanon’s Average Hourly Pay

In Lebanon, the average hourly salary (pay per hour) is 13,100 LBP. This equates to an average wage of around 13,100 LBP per hour worked in Lebanon.

The minimum wage for an unskilled worker or one without any specific skills or training must not be less than 1150 LBP hourly.

For skilled workers who have at least two years of work experience or a skilled worker who possesses the necessary license required for a specific job, the minimum wage is 1310 LBP hourly.

For those holding a diploma or an associate degree from a recognized institution, they must receive at least 1440 LBP as their minimum pay per hour.

A Bachelor’s Degree holder must receive 1570 LBP as their minimum pay per hour while those with a Master’s degree and above from a recognized Lebanese university are entitled to 1890 LBP as their salary per hour.

Salary Comparisons Between the Public and Private Sectors in Lebanon

In Lebanon, public sector workers earn an average of 13% more than their private-sector colleagues across all sectors.

Public businesses in Lebanon pay the highest salaries to their employees, while private businesses are close at second. The notable exception is agriculture, where public workers earn 8% less than their private-sector counterparts.

Meanwhile, in the private sector, industries with high-paying jobs pay their workers higher salaries, while low-paying jobs pay less.