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Average Salary in Gibraltar

What does a Gibraltar worker earn?

An annual salary of 40,600 GIP is the norm for Gibraltarian workers. Between 10,300 GIP and 181,000 GIP are the salary ranges. The median salary is 58,700 GIP. The average monthly salary including bonuses is 3,867 GIP.

The amount of tax you pay in Gibraltar depends on how much you earn. The first 10,500 GIP of your annual income is tax-free. After that, you pay 20% tax on the next 10,000 GIP. On incomes of more than 20,500 GIP, you pay 30% tax. There are also social security contributions that are deducted from your salary.

If you’re paid monthly, your employer will deduct income tax and social security contributions from your salary before they pay you. You can check your payslip to see how much tax and social security have been deducted.

Gibraltar’s Wage and Salary Structure

Standard Pay

Between 10,300 and 181,000 GIP each year, Gibraltarians may expect to earn an annual salary. The average salary is approximately 44,500 GIP.

Annual salaries in Gibraltar vary greatly depending on the sector in which one works. For instance, those employed in the financial and gaming sectors earn significantly more than the average, while those working in hospitality or retail may earn less.

Median Income

Half of the population earns less than 38,200 GIP per year, while the other half earns more than 38,200 GIP, with the median wage being 38,200 GIP.

The highest-earning 10% of the population takes home more than 81,400 GIP each year, while the lowest-earning 10% earn less than 10,300 GIP annually.


Most people make at least 21,800 GIP, while just 25% do so at or below that level. 50% of people make more than 38,200 GIP, with the top 10% of earners making 81,400 GIP or more.

To put it in perspective, if you make 38,200 GIP annually, you earn more than half of all other Gibraltarians. If you bring home 81,400 GIP or more, you are in the top 10% of earners.

What is the variation between the median pay and the average wage?

Both average salary and median income are indicators. The average salary includes all forms of compensation, while median income only includes wages and salaries. This means that the average salary is higher than the median income.

The difference between the two measures is called “wage dispersion” or “income inequality.” The wage dispersion in Gibraltar is relatively low when compared to other countries. This means that most people earn close to the average salary.

Gibraltar Salary by Experience

How does one’s pay increase over time?

In Gibraltar, as with most places, pay tends to increase with experience. An entry-level salary is typically lower than the average, but with each passing year, earnings grow. In fact, experience is such an important factor in determining earnings that it’s one of the first things employers look for on a resume.

Those who are just starting their careers can expect to earn an average salary of 22,000 GIP per year. With a few years of experience under their belts, workers will see their pay increase to 28,000 GIP per year. Mid-career professionals can expect to earn an average salary of 35,000 GIP per year, while those in the late stages of their careers can expect to earn an average salary of 43,000 GIP per year.

Of course, there are many factors that can affect one’s salary, such as industry, company size, and location. But experience is certainly a major factor in earnings potential.

Education-Based Salary Comparisons in Gibraltar

How does your education level affect your salary?

In Gibraltar, those with higher education tend to earn more than those without. The average salary for someone with a bachelor’s degree is GIP 35,849, while the average salary for someone with no formal education is only GIP 12,473.

This difference is even more pronounced when looking at salaries by field of study. For example, the average salary for someone with a degree in engineering is GIP 43,764, while the average salary for someone with a degree in education is only GIP 27,049.

Of course, there are many other factors that affect one’s salary, such as experience, job position, and employer. However, education is still a strong predictor of earnings in Gibraltar.

So, if you’re looking to maximize your earnings potential, it may be worth considering pursuing higher education. Not only will it give you the opportunity to earn a higher salary, but you’ll also gain the skills and knowledge that can help you succeed in your career.

Gender-Based Salary Comparisons in Gibraltar

Men in Gibraltar make 14% more on average than women in all industries in the British territory. In the finance and insurance sector, men earn 38% more than their female colleagues. In contrast, women make 9% more than men in the public administration, education, and health sector.

The average salary for all workers in Gibraltar is 32,500 GIP per year. The highest-paid workers are in the finance and insurance sector where the average salary is 48,000 GIP per year.

The lowest-paid workers are in the accommodation and food service sector where the average salary is 17,000 GIP per year.

Annual Salary Increase Percentage Average in Gibraltar

What is the going rate for yearly pay increases in Gibraltar? How often do workers get increases in their pay?

It is anticipated that workers in Gibraltar would see an increase in their salaries of around 4% every 29 months. This means that the average worker in Gibraltar would see their salary increase by approximately 336.80 GIP every year.

But take note that this is just an average. Some workers may get more frequent or higher increases in their pay, while others may not get any at all.

Annual Business Increase Rate in Gibraltar

  • Healthcare – 8%
  • Education – 5%
  • Information Technology – 6%
  • Retail – 3%
  • Manufacturing – 2%
  • Construction – 4%

The business community in Gibraltar is forecast to grow at a rate of 5% in. This is due to increased demand for healthcare, education and information technology services. The retail sector is also expected to grow, albeit at a slower pace. Construction is projected to grow at a rate of 4%. Manufacturing is expected to grow at a slower pace of 2%.

The average salary in Gibraltar is forecast to increase by 5% in. This is due to the strong growth in the business sector. Healthcare and information technology workers are expected to see the largest salary increases.

Average Rate of Experience-Based Pay Increase in Gibraltar

Junior level workers in Gibraltar are expected to receive a salary increase of around 3-5% and senior-level workers are expected to receive an increase of around 4-6%. Experienced professionals who are already earning high salaries can expect a pay rise of around 2-4%.

Remember that this percentage also reflects the cost of living in Gibraltar, which has been rising steadily over the past few years.

If you are looking for a job in Gibraltar, it is important to know what the average salary is for the role you are interested in. This way, you can be sure to negotiate a fair salary when applying for jobs.

Rates of Bonuses and Other Incentives in Gibraltar

How much are the bonuses, and how frequently do they get handed out?

A poll was conducted among employees working in Gibraltar, and the results showed that 68% of those employees stated they had not received any bonuses or incentives in the previous year, while 32% of those employees indicated they had gotten at least one sort of monetary bonus.

Those employees who were awarded bonuses said that the amounts ranged from 3% to 5% of their yearly income. The most common bonus that was awarded was a performance-based bonus, given to 22% of survey respondents.

Other types of bonuses included spot bonuses (given to 9% of employees), project bonuses (given to 7%), and profit-sharing (given to 5%).

Various Forms of Bonuses in a Company

Individual Bonuses Determined by Employee Performance

An individual bonus is given to an employee that exceeds expectations and produces exceptional work. Individual bonuses are often given as a cash award, but can also be in the form of extra vacation days or even company stock.

Individual bonuses give employees a sense of ownership over their work and can be a powerful motivator.

Company-Wide Bonuses Based on Overall Performance

A company-wide bonus is awarded to all employees when the company reaches certain financial milestones or goals. This type of bonus is often a percentage of each employee’s salary and can be paid out in cash, stocks, or other forms of compensation.

Company-wide bonuses help to build a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among employees, as everyone is working towards the same goal. Also, this may be the only time that some employees feel they are truly appreciated for their work.

Bonuses for Achieving Specific Goals

Goal-based bonuses are excellent motivators for employees as they provide a clear target to strive for. These bonuses can be awarded for individual or team performance and are often given in the form of cash, stocks, or other forms of compensation.

For example, a company may set a goal to increase sales by 10% over the course of a year. If the employees achieve this goal, they may be eligible for a bonus. This type of bonus helps to ensure that employees are working towards the company’s goals and not just their own.

Holiday or Year-End Bonus

A holiday bonus is an extra payment that is given to employees around the holidays, usually at the end of the year. Holiday bonuses can be in the form of cash, gift cards, or extra vacation days.

Holiday bonuses are a way for companies to show their appreciation for their employees’ hard work throughout the year. They also help to boost morale and keep employees happy during what can be a stressful time of year.

Bonuses are a great way to motivate and reward employees for their hard work. There are many different types of bonuses that companies can offer, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business.

Comparison of Bonus Payouts for Different Professions in Gibraltar

What characteristics of a job make it deserving of a high wage, in addition to enticing bonuses?

Jobs such as architecture, finance, and engineering come to mind – these are all important, skilled roles that require a lot of dedication and training. Moreover, they tend to be stable, meaning that they are less likely to be impacted by economic downturns.

In Gibraltar, there is a wide disparity in the average salaries earned by different professions. For instance, while the average salary for a financial analyst is GIP 44,060 per year, the average salary for a construction worker is only GIP 22,214 per year.

Bonuses by Seniority in Gibraltar

Senior employees in Gibraltar are typically awarded larger bonuses than junior staff members.

As you would expect, salaries increase as employees move up the career ladder. However, bonus payments also play a significant role in overall earnings, particularly at more senior levels.

In Gibraltar, entry-level employees can expect to earn an average salary of around 22,000 GIP per year. With experience and progression, this figure can rise to £40,000 or more for experienced professionals. At the most senior level, executives and managers can earn in excess of 100,000 GIP per year. This is typically made up of a base salary plus a generous bonus.

In terms of bonuses, seniority is the most important factor. Junior staff members are typically only eligible for a small annual bonus, whereas more experienced employees can expect to receive a larger payment. Bonuses can make up a significant proportion of overall earnings, especially at more senior levels.

Overall, salaries in Gibraltar are relatively high when compared to other countries in the region. This is due in part to the low tax rates and the presence of many international businesses. However, the cost of living is also relatively high, which needs to be taken into account when considering salary levels.

Popular Job Salary in Gibraltar


  • Architect – 46,200 GIP
  • CAD Drafter – 20,300 GIP


  • Physician – 81,500 GIP
  • Surgeon – 115,000 GIP
  • Dentist – 61,400 GIP

Information Technology

  • Systems Administrator – 40,000 GIP
  • Database Administrator – 75,600 GIP
  • Software Developer – 42,900 GIP
  • Web Developer – 34,700 GIP


  • Mechanic – 14,600 GIP
  • Service Advisor – 25,900 GIP


  • Retail Sales Associate – 17,100 GIP
  • Account Executive – 61,500 GIP


  • Restaurant Manager – 37,000 GIP
  • Human Resources Manager – 59,400 GIP
  • Project Manager – 74,800 GIP


  • Front Desk Clerk – 18,000 GIP
  • Housekeeping Manager – 24,600 GIP
  • Food and Beverage Manager – 32,100 GIP


  • Accountant – 45,100 GIP
  • Banking and  Credit Analyst – 61,200 GIP
  • Investment Banker – 101,500 GIP
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Media Planner – 46,400 GIP
  • Public Relations Specialist – 42,700 GIP
  • Sales Representative – 34,800 GIP

Gibraltar’s Typical Hourly Wage

Gibraltar has a median hourly income of 20 GIP, which is often referred to as compensation per hour. This indicates that the typical wage in Gibraltar is roughly 20 GIP for each hour that is worked. The median refers to the middle value when all of the hourly wages are listed in order from smallest to largest.

This means that half of the workers in Gibraltar earn less than 20 GIP per hour while the other half earn more.

The lowest 10%  of workers in Gibraltar bring home less than 12 GIP per hour while the top 10% earn more than 32 GIP each hour. The large disparity between these two groups is indicative of how much wage inequality exists in Gibraltar.

Those who are self-employed or work for small businesses often have much lower hourly earnings than those who work for larger companies. This is likely because self-employed individuals and small business owners have a harder time negotiating higher wages since they lack the bargaining power that comes with being part of a large organization.

Comparison of Wages Earned in the Public and Private Sectors

On average, workers in Gibraltar’s private sector earn 18% less than their colleagues in the public sector, although this disparity exists across all sectors. In the private sector, men earn an average of GIP 22.50 per hour, while women earn GIP 18.80 per hour. In comparison, men in the public sector earn an average of GIP 27.00 per hour, while women earn GIP 24.00 per hour.

The largest discrepancies in earnings are found in the financial services and gaming industries, where private-sector workers earn approximately 30% less than their public sector counterparts. In other sectors, such as retail and construction, the gap is closer to 10%.

While overall wages in Gibraltar are lower than in many other developed countries, the cost of living is also relatively low. Expenses such as housing, food, and transportation are all relatively affordable when compared to other developed countries.