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Average Salary in Ghana

Ghanaian Hourly Wage

Ghanaian Hourly Wage (GHS) is the amount of money per hour that an employee gets paid. A worker’s average salary ranges from about 18.50 GHS to about 30 GHS.

The minimum wage in Ghana is set at 5.24 GHS per day, which comes out to be about 0.27 GHS per hour.

There are some jobs that offer a higher hourly wage than the national minimum wage. For example, workers in the financial sector can earn up to 12 GHS per hour.

How much does a Ghanaian earn?

The answer to that question can vary depending on who you ask and what they consider to be “average.”

However, according to recent data from the World Bank, Ghana’s average salary in is estimated to be GHS 1,752. This puts Ghanaians above people living in countries like Burundi, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, but below neighboring countries like Ivory Coast and Togo.

It’s important to note that this number is just an estimate, and it can vary depending on factors like level of education, years of experience, and job sector.

Annual Average Salary Increase in Ghana

Do yearly salary increases in Ghana? How frequently do workers receive raises?

In Ghana, the average annual salary increase is 1.5% to 2%. To put that in perspective, a rise of 1.5% would be about $1 per day for someone earning GHS350 ($35 USD).

In addition to base raises each year, workers also receive bonuses based on performance and company-wide success metrics.

Bonuses can account for as much as 20%-30% of a person’s yearly pay and have been shown to have a significant impact on employee happiness and retention rates over time.

Even with these boosts in payouts though, Ghanaians post one of the highest rates of unemployment in all of West Africa.

Workers typically receive a bonus payment at the end of September and then again during Christmas time. If workers were not given bonuses that they feel are just, they will stage strikes or protests to compensate themselves fairly.

Annual Industry Growth Rate

Booming businesses tend to provide more frequent and larger increases. There are exceptions, but in general, a company’s status is directly linked to the country’s or region’s economic situation. These values tend to fluctuate.

  • Healthcare – 4%
  • Education – 7%
  • ICT – 10%
  • Telecommunications – 3%
  • Banking and Finance – 5%
  • Consumer Goods – 5%
  • Heavy Industries – 7%Government Services – 4%
  • Consumer Services – 7%
  • Industrial Services – 5%
  • Retail – 3%
  • Technology Hardware and Equipment – 10%
  • Logistics and Transportation – 9%
  • Tourism and Hospitality – 8.5%
  • Construction and Engineering  – 13.3 %
  • Agriculture 2.8 %
  • Media 0.7 %

Salary Comparison: Public vs. Private Sector in Ghana

The average salary for a worker in the public sector in Ghana is GH¢1,849. In the private sector, the average salary is much higher at GH¢5,723.

This is largely due to the fact that private companies are able to offer more benefits and bonuses than the government.

Salary Allocation in Ghana

Range of Salary

In Ghana, salaries vary from 1,280 GHS per month (minimum wage) to 22,600 GHS per month (maximum wage).

The more experience you have with a company, the higher the salary will be because of increased responsibilities that come with this amount of time spent at one place. If you are more qualified than your colleague for the same job, you will usually be paid more.

Median Wage

The median monthly wage is 4,660 GHS, which implies that half of the population earns less than 4,660 GHS and the other half earns more than 4,660 GHS. The median pay figure is the average.

The GHS 4,660 monthly median wage ranks 127th out of 188 economies in the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2018” report. Out of these 188 countries, 13 have a lower median wage than Ghana, while 124 have a higher median wage.

In terms of regional comparisons, Ghana’s median wage is above the Sub-Saharan Africa median but below the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the East Asia and Pacific region.


25% of the workforce earns less than 2,680 GHS, while 75% earn more than 2,680 GHS. 50% of the workforce earns less than 4,160 GHS, while 50% earn more than 4,160 GHS.

75% of the workforce earns less than 7,040 GHS, while 25% earn more than 7,040 GHS.

The percentiles for GHS are as follows:

  • 25% of the workforce earns less than 2,680 GHS
  • 50% of the workforce earns less than 4,160 GHS
  • 75% of the workforce earns less than 7,040 GHS

These percentiles are based on annual income. The percentages may vary depending on the length of time worked.

How much does the median pay vary from the average salary?

The median and the average are two different measurements of a data set. The median is the middle number in a list, while the average is calculated by adding up all different numbers on that list and then dividing it by how many numbers there are.

When it comes to salaries, the median wage is often a more accurate reflection of what most people are earning. This is because the average can be skewed by high or low outliers.

For example, if one person in a company is earning a million dollars while everyone else is earning just $50,000, the average salary for that company would be $500,000. However, the median salary would be much lower at $50,000

Therefore, when looking at how Ghana’s salaries compare to other countries, it is more accurate to look at the median wage instead of the average.

Ghana’s current minimum wage is 1,280 GHS and it will increase to 1,560 GHS in.

Comparison of Wages for Workers with Years Experience

How does a Ghanaian’s wage change over time?

Many people are unaware of how much money they earn each day.  Though this is not the case for everyone, it may be true for some Ghanaians.

After working a certain amount of time, salary can change depending on experience and level of responsibility.

For example, many Ghanaian workers might start out earning less than 1,233 GHS per month after being employed for two years or more. However, those with high levels of responsibility might earn up to 3,000 GHS per month after being employed for two years or more.

This is due to the level of experience and expertise that they have acquired over time.

Generally, a Ghanaian’s wage will continue to increase as they work more years, assuming they maintain a high level of productivity. Managerial-level employees may eventually earn up to 10,000 GHS per month after many years of service.

It is important to note that these numbers are just averages and do not represent every individual case. Each worker’s salary depends on various factors such as company size, location, and field of work.

However, this information should give you a general idea of how wages change over time in Ghana.

Salary By Education In Ghana

How does education influence pay?

In Ghana, the average monthly wage for a person with a secondary school certificate is 3,816 GHS, while those with an undergraduate degree make about 8,050 GHS per month. This means that those with a higher level of education earn more than twice as much as those without education past the secondary level.

This wage discrepancy is not unique to Ghana; in fact, it is seen in most countries around the world. The correlation between education and pay is so strong that UNESCO has declared that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

There are many reasons for this wage disparity. First, those with more education are typically more knowledgeable and skilled than those without an education. They are also more likely to be able to think critically and solve problems.

Additionally, those with more education are usually better-equipped to work in teams.

However, this wage disparity can be attributed not only to the skills and knowledge of workers but also to the structure of the labor market itself. There are always more jobs available for skilled workers than unskilled workers.

The demand for skilled labor is typically higher because companies need personnel with specialized training in order to produce their products or services. Thus, employers are willing to pay more to attract skilled candidates.

Education has a great impact on salary in Ghanaian society at large.

Are Master’s and MBA degrees beneficial? Should you go to university?

The need for an MBA degree in the Ghanaian economy is on the rise. This has led to a lot of people considering if they should go back to school and get one.

The benefits are many, but there are also drawbacks that you should be aware of before deciding whether or not this is something worth doing.

One of the benefits of going back to school is the fact that your career prospects are improved. This means that after completing a Master’s or MBA degree program you could end up with a good job at a good salary.

In Ghana, the average salary for someone who has completed a university degree is around GHC 25,000 per month.

If you do not pursue advanced education in Ghanaian universities, many companies may prefer hiring other people over you which can create a difficult environment for you to find employment in.

Gender Pay Gap in Ghana

The gender pay gap in Ghana is the difference between the average earnings of men and women. The gender wage ratio refers to the income earned by women as a percentage of that earned by men. Men in Ghana have a higher median wage than women.

In, women in Ghana are expected to earn GHS 2.44 for every GHS earned by men. This means that women in Ghana are paid approximately 24% less than men for doing the same job.

This gender pay gap exists in all sectors of the economy, with women earning less than men even in jobs where they are in the majority, such as teaching and health care.

The government of Ghana is committed to reducing the gender pay gap and has put in place a number of measures to address this issue.

These include the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women, the provision of training and education for girls and women, and the enforcement of laws against discrimination.

The government is also working with employers and trade unions to promote equal pay for men and women. Hopefully, in the next few years, the gender pay gap in Ghana will be eliminated altogether.

Promotional Bonuses in Ghana

Promotional bonuses are a type of salary compensation. They are a one-time payment that an employee receives as recognition for their hard work and dedication to the company.

Different Kinds of Bonuses

Individualized Performance Bonuses

Individualized Performance Bonuses are a way for an organization to recognize the individual contributions made by one of their employees. This takes into account what may be done in addition to the normal job duties.

It can also work well for an employee that is interested in learning more skills and integrating fully into the workplace culture but still wishes to pursue other interests.

The performance can be assessed through an interview, portfolio review, or any other kind of assessment that the company deems necessary.

Company Performance Bonuses

Company Performance Bonuses are a way that companies can reward their employees for good performance. The bonuses can be in the form of money, time off, or other gifts.

They are typically given to employees who have met or exceeded the goals of the company.

Goal-Based Bonuses

Goal-Based Bonuses are an incentive to not just perform but surpass the standard. When an employee outperforms his or her goal, they will be rewarded with a bonus that is more than if their goal was just achieved.

Many companies offer this incentive, but there are varying degrees of success in implementing this policy.

Some companies put too much pressure on the employees and cause them to feel like their job is at stake when one of their goals falls short. But other companies offer “unlimited rewards” which causes employees to do the bare minimum because they know they’ll get what they want anyway.

Holiday / End of Year Bonuses

Lots of companies offer holiday bonuses, typically 25% or more of their annual salary, as a way of saying thanks for hard work over the last year.

Some even offer “end of year” bonuses, which might be up to 50% of their yearly salary, as a way of saying thanks and rewarding them for exceptional performance over the course of the last few years.

Bonus Rates by Job Title

  • Business Development – High
  • Marketing and Advertising – High
  • Healthcare – Moderate
  • Hospitality – Low
  • Finance – High
  • Information Technology – Moderate
  • Retail and Sales – Low
  • Industrial and Operations – Moderate
  • Engineering – Moderate
  • Customer Service – Low
  • Legal – High
  • Human Resource – High
  • Production – High
  • Administration and Management- High
  • Manufacturing and Production – Moderate

What qualifies a job for large bonuses and high pay in Ghana?

A job can qualify for a large bonus and high pay in Ghana if the worker is diligent, diligent means that they work very hard.

A person has to be at their workplace on time so as not to delay production. They also have to perform assigned tasks diligently with the result of increasing the output of goods or services.

The more you produce, the higher your salary will be. If you are not able to meet these requirements then it is unlikely that you will get a promotion anytime soon because there are other people who can do what needs doing better than you can

Salary ranges from GH₵1,000-GH₵10,000 per month depending on company size and rank within an organization. There are some companies that offer free lunch to their employees every day.

Some jobs may qualify for large bonuses and high pay, but not all jobs qualify for this condition. A worker has to be diligent, meaning that they must work hard in order to get a promotion or high pay.

For example, an employee of a company will receive higher pay if he/she is able to reach the criteria set by the company.

Ultimately, salary ranges from GH₵1,000-GH₵10,000 per month depending on company size and rank within an organization

Hence, what qualifies a job for large bonuses and high pay varies depending on the characteristics of each person who works at the position or job requiring large bonuses and high pay.

Increase in Salary By Experience Level in Ghana

It has been observed that the average salary increases with experience in Ghana. A recent study showed that an individual with 0-5 years of experience earns on average GHS 958 per month while an individual with 11-15 years of experience earns on average GHS 2,958 per month.

This is a clear indication that individuals who have more years of experience tend to earn more in Ghana.

One reason for this may be that employers tend to value the experience and knowledge that an individual has acquired over time. Additionally, as an individual gains more experience, they are usually able to take on more complex tasks and projects.

This can lead to them being rewarded with a higher salary.

Bonuses by Seniority

In Ghana, there is a significant difference in the amount of bonus that an employee receives based on their seniority level.

Employees who have been with a company for less than two years receive a 5% bonus, while those who have been with the company for more than two years but less than five years receive a 10% bonus.

Employees who have been with the company for more than five years but less than ten years receive a 15% bonus, and employees who have been with the company for more than ten years receive a 25% bonus.

Income is a significant part of the money that Ghanaians have at their disposal. The amount of income an individual earns each month is largely dependent on the industry in which they work, and whether they are full-time or part-time employees.

Popular job salaries

Administration / Reception / Secretarial

  • Administrative Assistant – 2,600 GHS
  • Office Manager – 4,160 GHS
  • Secretary – 2,210 GHS
  • Receptionist – 1,890 GHS

Accounting and Finance

  • Accountant – 3,310 GHS
  • Accounting Assistant – 2,550 GHS
  • Accounting Manager – 7,540 GHS

Banking and Insurance

  • Bank Teller – 2,340 GHS
  • Insurance Agent – 4,500 GHS
  • Information Technology
  • Computer Operator – 2,160 GHS
  • Web Developer – 3,780 GHS
  • Programmer Analyst – 5,000 GHS

Sales and Marketing

  • Sales Representative – 2,340 GHS
  • Marketing Manager – 7,540 GHS

Journalism and Mass Communication

  • News Reporter – 2,340 GHS
  • Editorial Assistant – 1,890 GHS

Television and Radio Production

  • Broadcast Technicians – 1,890 GHS
  • Editor (Television or Radio) – 3,780 GHS
  • Public Relations Specialist – 4,500 GHS


  • Legal Secretary – 2,210 GHS
  • Lawyer – 10,000 GHS

Teacher / Education

  • Elementary teacher – 2,340 GHS
  • Secondary school teacher – 3,780 GHS
  • College professor – 7,540 GHS