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Average Salary in Australia

Table of Contents

How much money can one expect to earn working in the country of Australia?

An annual salary of around 90,800 Australian Dollars (AUD) is average for a worker working in Australia. The starting salary is at 23,000 AUD and may go up to 405,000 AUD.

This is the typical annual pay, which takes into account additional advantages like housing and transportation. There is a significant gap in pay across various types of work. The median wage is the wage at which half of the workers earn less and half earn more.

The average salary also varies depending on the city one lives in. For example, the average salary in Sydney is higher than the average salary in Perth.

Moreover, companies in different industries offer varying wages. For instance, the average salary in the mining industry is higher than the average salary in the hospitality industry.

Payscales in Australia

Salary Range

There is a wide variety of salaries available in Australia, starting from 23,000 AUD per year and going up to 405,000 AUD per year. The average salary in Australia is around 85,000 AUD per year.

This means that if you are earning the average salary in Australia, you are in the top 50% of wage earners in the country.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of living in Australia is also high. So, even if you are earning a good salary, your purchasing power might not be as high as you would expect.

Median Salary

This indicates that half of the population earns less than 89,000 AUD per year, while the other half earns more than 89,000 AUD per year. The median salary is a good indicator of what the average Australian worker earns.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of living in Australia is also high. So, even if you are earning a good salary, your purchasing power might not be as high as you would expect.


This indicates that half of the population earns less than 89,000 AUD per year, while the other half earns more than 89,000 AUD per year. The median salary is a good indicator of what the average Australian worker earns.

However, it is important to consider the distribution of salaries when looking at the average salary in Australia. The majority of workers earn a salary that falls within a fairly tight range.

This means that if you want to know what the average Australian worker earns, you need to look at the median salary rather than the mean salary.

What’s the main difference between the average wage and the median income?

Both the average income and median wage are indicators. The main difference is that the average income includes all incomes, while the median wage only includes wages.

As of, the average salary in Australia is expected to be around 53,000 AUD per year. This is an increase of about 6% from the previous year. The median wage is expected to be around 48,000 AUD per year. This is an increase of about 4% from the previous year.

Keep in mind that these are just averages and will vary depending on your location, industry, and experience.

The average salary in Australia is expected to continue to rise in the coming years. This is due to a number of factors, such as inflation and economic growth. The average worker can expect to see their salary increase by about 3% each year.

Comparison of Australian Salary by Years of Experience

How does a person’s pay increase over time?

Australian workers with one year of experience earn an average salary of AUD 60,000 per year. This number gradually rises to AUD 85,000 after 10 years of experience.

A person’s salary will increase as they gain more experience. On average, Australian workers with one year of experience earn an annual salary of 60,000 AUD. This figure gradually increases to 85,000 after 10 years of experience. Therefore, individuals can expect their earnings to grow steadily the longer they stay in their roles.

The average salary for someone with 1-4 years of experience is AUD 73,000 per year. For those with 5-9 years of experience, the average salary is AUD 89,000. Finally, workers with 10 or more years of experience earn an average salary of AUD 102,000.

Therefore, there is a significant jump in earnings between 9 and 10 years of experience. This may be due to individuals acquiring more senior roles or taking on additional responsibilities as they progress in their careers.

Comparison of Australian Wages Based on Education

How much of a difference does education make in terms of pay?

High school dropouts earn an average wage of 1,200 AUD per week. This is significantly lower than the average wage for someone with a year 12 certificate (1,500 AUD per week) or an apprenticeship/trade qualification (1,700 AUD per week).

Further education increases your earning potential even more. Someone with a bachelor’s degree earns an average wage of 2,100 AUD per week, while someone with a master’s degree or higher earns an average wage of 2,700 AUD per week.

As you can see, there is a significant difference in earnings based on the level of education achieved. Education is clearly important in terms of earning potential.

Comparison of Australian Male and Female Wages

On average, men workers in Australia earn 6% more than their female counterparts. While the average salary for men is 1,813.10 AUD per week, women earn an average of 1,695.50 AUD per week – a difference of 1,17.60.

This gender pay gap has seen little improvement over the last decade. However, when comparing hourly wages rather than weekly earnings, the gender pay gap is reduced to 2%. This suggests that women in Australia are more likely to work part-time or in lower-paid roles than men.

Moreover, when comparing the average salary in Australia by state, it is clear that workers in Tasmania and the Northern Territory earn the least. The average salary in Tasmania is 1,638.10 AUD per week, while in the Northern Territory it is 1,666.70 AUD per week.

Conversely, workers in Western Australia earn the most, with an average salary of 1,873.60 AUD per week. This is followed by workers in the Australian Capital Territory, who earn an average of 1,854.50 AUD per week.

When looking at the average salary by industry, it is no surprise that those working in mining and construction earn the most.

Australia’s Average Yearly Income Increment

What is the annual cost of salary increases in Australia? How often do employees get raises in their compensation?

In Australia, workers may anticipate a rise in their pay of around 8% every 16 months on average. This rate of wage increase is based on data from the past four years. In that time, the cost of living has increased by an average of 3.5%.

Assuming no change in the economy or in worker productivity, this would mean that the real value of wages would be increasing by around 4.5% every 16 months.

Workers in Australia are also more likely to get a pay rise if they are highly skilled or have specialist skills. Workers with lower levels of education and experience are less likely to get a pay rise.

In conclusion, workers in Australia can expect to see their wages increasing at a faster rate than the cost of living. Workers with higher levels of education and experience are more likely to get a pay rise.

Annual Growth Rate by Industry in Australia in

  • Energy – 8%
  • Construction – 6%
  • Education – 4%
  • Finance – 4%
  • Healthcare – 3%
  • Information Technology – 3%
  • Manufacturing – 2%
  • Transportation – 2%

In general, salaries in Australia are expected to grow at a moderate pace in. Energy and construction are the industries that are expected to see the highest growth rates, at 8%  and 6% respectively.

Education, finance, healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, and transportation are all expected to see more modest growth rates of between 2% and 4%.

Overall, Australia is expected to see moderate economic growth in. This is good news for job seekers, as it indicates that there will be plenty of new opportunities opening up across a range of industries.

So whatever your field, keep an eye out for new opportunities and be prepared to seize them when they arise.

Average Compensation Growth Rate by Experience

Junior level workers in Australia may receive a salary increase rate of 3-5%. Experienced workers in their mid-career may expect to receive around 6-9% because of their extensive knowledge and networks in their field. Late-career professionals tend to have the highest average salary growth rate, at 11-15%.

Consequently, across all experience levels, salaries in Australia are expected to grow by an average of 4.5% in.

This is good news for job seekers in Australia, as it indicates that businesses are feeling confident about the country’s economic prospects and are willing to invest in their employees.

Competition for jobs may remain high, but those who are able to secure a position can expect to be handsomely rewarded for their efforts.

Rates of Bonuses and Other Incentives in Australia

How much are the bonuses, and how frequently do they get paid out?

In Australia, the workforce that was questioned indicated that 47% of them had not received any bonuses or incentives in the preceding year, while 53% of them claimed that they had gotten at least one sort of monetary bonus.

Those who were eligible for bonuses reported receiving amounts that ranged from 3-6% of their yearly pay.

Bonuses are most commonly paid out annually, though some companies may offer them more or less frequently. Bonuses that are given more often tend to be smaller, while those given less often tend to be larger.

Profit-sharing plans are also common in Australia. These plans give employees a percentage of the company’s profits, based on how well the company does overall.

Overall, the average salary in Australia is quite good when compared to other countries. The cost of living is also relatively low, making it a great place to live and work.

Various Forms of Bonuses

Individual Bonuses Determined by Work Performance

As an employee, you may be rewarded for a job well done with a bonus. The amount of this bonus is at the discretion of your employer and is usually based on some sort of performance metric. Individual-based bonuses are given to employees that exceed certain expectations or goals set by management.

For instance, if you work in sales, you may receive a bonus for hitting (or exceeding) your quarterly targets. Or, if you’re a project manager, you may receive a bonus for successfully completing a project on time and within budget.

Bonuses Based on Company Performance

In addition to individual-based bonuses, some companies also award bonuses to all employees based on the overall performance of the company. For example, if the company hits its quarterly targets, everyone may receive a bonus.

These types of bonuses are usually given in the form of a percentage of an employee’s salary. So, if you earn a salary of 50,000 AUD per year and the company-wide bonus is 10%, you would receive an additional 5,000 AUD for that quarter.

Goal-Based Bonuses

Another type of bonus that may be offered by your employer is a goal-based bonus. With this type of bonus, you’ll receive an additional payment if you hit certain milestones or achieve specific goals.

For example, a goal-based bonus could be given to an employee who successfully completes a difficult project or reaches a key sales target. These types of bonuses usually have a direct impact on an individual’s performance and are given in addition to their regular salary.

Bonuses for the Holidays and the End of the Year

In addition to the bonus types mentioned above, some employers also offer bonuses around holidays or at the end of the year. These are typically given in the form of a lump sum payment and are not based on performance.

For example, an employer may give all employees a holiday bonus of 1,000 AUD as a way to show their appreciation for their hard work throughout the year.

Alternatively, an employer may give all employees a bonus equal to 10% of their salary at the end of the year. This is often referred to as an annual bonus.

Comparison of Bonus Payouts across Various Professions in Australia

What characteristics of a job make it deserving of a high wage, in addition to enticing bonuses?

There are different jobs that bring in high wages and bonuses. However, there are certain characteristics that make some jobs more deserving of these things than others.

One characteristic is the level of skill required for the job. Jobs that require a high level of skill usually warrant higher wages and bonuses because they are more difficult to train someone for and because the individual has a greater responsibility.

Another characteristic is the level of experience an individual has. More experienced individuals often earn higher wages and bonuses because they have proven their worth over time.

Finally, the market value of a particular job can affect its wage and bonus potential. Jobs that are in high demand or that are considered to be valuable to a company often come with higher compensation.

Below is a list of some jobs in Australia that typically offer high wages and bonuses, as well as a description of why they offer these things.

1. Executive positions

CEOs, CFOs, and other executives typically earn high salaries because of the nature of their work. They are responsible for making strategic decisions that affect the entire company, so their experience and skill set is usually very valuable.

Additionally, executive positions often come with hefty bonuses. This is because they are often given goals to meet, and if they reach those goals, they are financially rewarded for their efforts.

2. Sales jobs

Sales jobs can be quite lucrative, especially if you are working in commission. The more you sell, the more money you make. Additionally, many sales jobs come with bonuses for meeting certain targets.

The reason why sales jobs often offer high wages and bonuses is that they are key to a company’s success.

Without sales, a company would not be able to make any money, so the people who are responsible for bringing in sales are typically very valuable to the organization.

3. IT jobs

IT jobs often require a high level of skill and experience, which is why they often come with high salaries. Individuals in these positions are responsible for ensuring that a company’s computer systems are running smoothly and efficiently, so their expertise is usually very valuable.

Additionally, IT jobs often come with bonuses because they can be essential to a company’s success.

4. Jobs in the medical field

Jobs in the medical field, such as doctors, surgeons, and nurses, often require a high level of skill. These individuals are responsible for saving lives, so their experience and expertise are usually very practical.

In addition, positions in the medical area often include incentives due to the fact that employees in this industry may be critical to the success of a firm.

For instance, if a hospital is successful in meeting its aim of lowering the number of infections that patients experience, the members of the staff who contributed to the facility’s success may be eligible for bonuses.

5. Jobs in the legal field

Jobs in the legal industry, such as those of attorneys and paralegals, often demand a high degree of expertise from their employees.

As a result of the fact that these professionals are tasked with defending their clients in court, the experience and knowledge they possess are often quite important.

In addition, bonuses are common for jobs in the legal sector because of the importance that these roles may have in the overall success of a firm.

Australia Seniority Bonuses

Senior workers in Australia are usually rewarded with bonuses. This is in addition to their regular salary. The average size of a bonus is AUD 5,000 per year. Workers with over 10 years of experience can expect to earn AUD 10,000 or more in bonuses each year.

Senior workers are granted bonuses to reward their loyalty and commitment to the company. The average size of a bonus is AUD 5,000 per year. Workers with over 10 years of experience can expect to earn AUD 10,000 or more in bonuses each year.

This is in addition to their regular salary, which is already quite high by international standards.

Pay for High-Potential Careers

Health and Medical

  • Dentist – 214,000 AUD
  • Dietitian1 – 80,000 AUD
  • Laboratory Technician – 72,800 AUD
  • Nurse – 72,600 AUD
  • Occupational Therapist – 85,000 AUD
  • Optometrist – 98,200 AUD
  • Pharmacist – 106,400 AUD
  • Physiotherapist – 90,000 AUD
  • Psychologist – 101,600 AUD
  • Radiographer – 79,000 AUD
  • Sonographer – 84,800 AUD

Legal Firm

  • Lawyer – 119,000 AUD
  • Commercial Lawyer – 147,000 AUD
  • Solicitor – 95,000 AUD
  • Paralegal – 65,500 AUD
  • Legal Secretary – 62,400 AUD

Information Technology (IT)

  • Database Administrator – 86,200 AUD
  • Desktop Support Engineer – 80,900 AUD
  • ICT Business Analyst – 111,000 AUD
  • ICT Manager – 133,000 AUD
  • ICT Sales Representative – 104,000 AUD
  • Network Engineer – 101,000 AUD
  • Software Engineer – 107,800 AUD
  • Systems Administrator – 91,400 AUD
  • Telecommunications Engineer – 93,200 AUD
  • Web Developer – 86,600 AUD

Banking and Finance

  • Accountant – 85,400 AUD
  • Bank Manager – 123,000 AUD
  • Commercial banker – 109,000 AUD
  • Economist – 101,200 AUD
  • Finance Broker – 104,100 AUD
  • Investment Banker – 145,000 AUD
  • Mortgage Broker – 102,300 AUD
  • Retail Banking Consult – 97,200 AUD
  • Stockbroker – 119,000 AUD


  • Primary School Teacher – 81,000 AUD
  • Secondary School Teacher – 84,600 AUD
  • Special Needs Teacher – 79,200 AUD
  • Sports Coach – 60,700 AUD
  • Tertiary Lecturer – 101,500 AUD
  • Vocational Education Teacher – 79,000 AUD

Comparison of Wages in Australia’s Major Cities

Sydney employees have an average of 108,000 AUD and Melbourne 101,000 AUD annually while Brisbane lags behind with an average of 95,000 AUD.

On the other hand, when comparing purchasing power, things look different. For instance, the cost of living in Melbourne is almost 10% higher than in Brisbane, which means that salaries have to be adjusted accordingly.

The following table shows the average salaries in Australia’s major cities.

  • Sydney – 108,000 AUD
  • Melbourne – 106,000 AUD
  • Brisbane – 104,000 AUD
  • Perth – 102,000 AUD
  • Adelaide – 97,000 AUD
  • Hobart – 93,000 AUD
  • Canberra – 92,000 AUD
  • Darwin – 89,000 AUD

Hourly Rate of Pay on Average in Australia

The typical pay rate (hourly salary) in Australia is 44 Australian Dollars (AUD). The average worker gets paid AUD 22.50 per hour. Take note that this average is before tax is deducted. The starting hourly wage for a new graduate with no experience is usually around AUD 20 per hour.

Comparative Analysis of Wages in the Public and Private Sectors

In Australia, workers in the public sector earn, on average and across all industries, 5% more than their colleagues in the private sector.

This is because the public sector employs a higher proportion of workers with tertiary qualifications (such as degrees and diplomas), which attracts a paid premium.