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Average Salary in Turkey

How much money can you expect to earn in Turkey if you work there?

The average monthly salary in Turkey is 7,830 TRY for a full-time worker. Between 1,980 to 35,000 TRY per month are paid.

It includes housing, transportation, and other perks. This is the average monthly wage in the United States. There is a huge disparity in pay across various professions. For manual labor jobs, the average salary is 4,560 TRY. 

For office and clerical jobs, the average salary is 8,530 TRY. For middle management positions, the average salary is 11,480 TRY.

The highest paying professions are in the fields of medicine and finance, where the average salaries are 16,700 TRY and 12,590 TRY respectively.

The cost of living in Turkey is relatively low when compared to other Western countries. A meal in a restaurant costs an average of 10-15 TRY. A cup of coffee costs around 3-5 TRY. A bottle of water costs about 1-2 TRY. Public transportation is also very affordable, with a one-way ticket costing only 2-3 TRY.

Overall, the average salary in Turkey is sufficient to cover the cost of living and leave some room for savings. However, salaries are not as high as in other developed countries. Therefore, if you are planning to move to Turkey, it is important to have realistic expectations about your potential earnings.

Turkish Wage Distribution

Wage Scale

Salaries in Turkey vary from 1,980 TRY to 35,000 TRY per month, depending on experience and education.

The minimum wage in Turkey is 1,980 TRY per month for unskilled workers and 2,280 TRY for skilled workers. The average salary in Turkey is around 8,560 TRY per month.

Turkey’s median monthly wage is 10,890 TRY. The other half make less than 10,890 TRY.

The top 10% of earners in Turkey make more than 19,350 TRY per month. The bottom 10% of earners make less than 4,250 TRY per month.

Average Income

This indicates that half of the population (50%) earns less than 7,830 TRY per month, while the other half earns more than 7,830 TRY per month. The top 10% of earners in Turkey make more than 16,700 TRY per month. The bottom 10% of earners make less than 2,540 TRY per month.


A quarter of Turks make less than 4,420 TRY per month, whereas 75% make more than that amount. A tenth of the population (10%) earns less than 2,540 TRY per month. The other 90% earn more than that amount.

The top 5% of earners in Turkey make more than 19,350 TRY per month. The bottom 5% of earners make less than 1,230 TRY per month.

Do the median and average salaries vary in any way?

Both the median and average salaries are indicators because they show us the central tendency of a data set. However, they vary in that the median is less influenced by outliers than the average.

The median is calculated by finding the value in the middle of a dataset, while the average is calculated by adding all values in a dataset and dividing by the number of values. Therefore, if there are outliers present in a dataset, they will have more of an impact on the average than on the median.

In general, when there is a lot of variation in salaries (e.g. some people make very little and some make a lot), the median will be closer to the true central tendency than the average.

On the other hand, when salaries are fairly similar (e.g. everyone makes around the same amount), the average will be a better indicator of central tendency.

Comparison of Turkish Wages Based on Years of Experience

How does the pay of an individual change over time?

In general, as an individual gains more experience in the workforce, they can expect to see their wages increase. This is especially true in Turkey, where workers with more experience tend to earn significantly higher salaries than those who are just starting out.

The following table compares the average salaries of workers in Turkey based on their years of experience:

  • 0-5 years – 17,290 TRY
  • 5-10 years – 21,910 TRY
  • 10-20 years – 26,780 TRY
  • 20+ years31,930 TRY

As can be seen from the table, workers with 0-5 years of experience earn an average salary of 17,290 TRY. This figure increases steadily with each additional year of experience, reaching a peak of 31,930 TRY for workers with 20+ years of experience.

Overall, this data indicates that workers in Turkey can expect to see their salaries increase significantly as they gain more experience in the workforce. This is good news for those who are just starting out, as it suggests that their pay will increase steadily over time.

Comparing Salaries Based on Education

What is the relationship between a person’s degree of education and the amount they make?

In order to find out, we looked at the average salaries of people in Turkey with different levels of education. We compared these averages to the national average salary, which is currently 4,290 TL per month. Here’s what we found:

People with no formal education make an average of 2,963 TL per month, which is about 69% of the national average.

Moreover, there is a significant difference in salaries based on education level. The higher your degree of education, the more you can expect to make. In fact, people with a college degree or higher make more than double what people with no formal education make.

The average salary for someone with a college degree is 9,333 TL per month, which is about 218% of the national average.

People with a master’s degree make an average of 11,666 TL per month, which is about 273% of the national average.

Finally, people with a Ph.D. make an average of 16,500 TL per month, which is about 388% of the national average.

As you can see, there is a direct correlation between the level of education and salary in Turkey. The higher your degree, the more you can expect to make. This is why it is so important to get a good education!

Gender Differences in Turkey’s Salary Levels

Across the board, men workers in Turkey are paid 6% more than their female colleagues. This difference is significant given that the gender pay gap in OECD countries is only 5.5%.

There are significant differences in salary levels between men and women in Turkey. Men earn on average 6% more than women, which is a significant difference given that the gender pay gap in OECD countries is only 5.5%.

This may be due to the fact that women are often paid less for doing the same job as men, or because they are more likely to work in lower-paying sectors. Whatever the reason, it is clear that there is a discrepancy in earnings between genders in Turkey.

Interestingly, this difference is not reflected in the self-reported earnings of workers. When asked about their monthly earnings, both men and women report earning around the same amount. This suggests that either woman is underestimating their earnings, or that men are overestimating theirs.

Whatever the reason for the gender pay gap in Turkey, it is clear that it exists and needs to be addressed. Women workers deserve to be paid equally for their skills and experience, and no one should have to worry about being paid unfairly because of their gender.

Average Percentage of Annual Salary Increase in Turkey

In Turkey, what is the average yearly raise? In what percentage of the time do workers get raises in their salary?

Every 18 months, workers in Turkey may expect to get an 8% rise in their wages. The average worker receives a 3% salary increase every year.

In addition, workers in Turkey get an extra 2% in their raise for each passing year. Therefore, a worker who has been with the company for 5 years will get a 5% raise, while a worker who has been with the company for 10 years will get a 10% raise. The average worker gets a rise of 9% every 4 years.

Turkey’s Industry-Specific Annual Growth Rate

  • Construction – 1%
  • Education – 3%
  • Banking – 5%
  • Business and Consulting – 7%
  • Information Technology – 9%
  • Telecommunications – 11%

Turkey’s industries are expected to experience different annual growth rates in. The construction industry is predicted to grow at a rate of 1%, while the education, banking, business and consulting, and information technology industries are expected to have growth rates of 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9%, respectively.

Salary Growth Averages by Level of Experience

Junior-level workers in Turkey often receive about 3-5% salary growth from their previous year’s salary. Mid-level workers usually see salaries rise by 10-12% annually, while those at the senior level may get 15-20% salary growth each year.

The most experienced professionals in Turkey can expect to make the highest salaries. For example, an individual with 20 years of experience or more in their field may earn 50% more than someone who is just starting out.

Take note that your earning potential will also depend on the specific industry you work in. For instance, those employed in the oil and gas industry tend to earn higher salaries than those working in the retail or hospitality sectors.

Rates of Bonuses and Incentives in Turkey

How frequently and how much are bonuses awarded?

Among Turkish employees, 48% stated they got no bonuses or incentives in the previous year, while 52% claimed they had received at least one kind of monetary bonus.

When it comes to frequency, the majority of employees (66%) said they get bonuses or incentives once a year. 13% of respondents claimed to get them every six months, while 8% stated they receive bonuses more than twice a year. Only 2% said they never get bonuses or incentives.

As for the size of bonuses, 30% of those surveyed said theirs were worth 3-4% of their annual salaries. 22% said their bonuses were worth 5-6%, while 18% reported receiving bonuses worth 1-2% of their salaries. 14% stated their bonuses were worth 7-8%, while only 2% said theirs were worth 9-10 %.

In terms of industry, the highest percentage of employees who said they received bonuses or incentives were in the energy sector (70%), followed by those in the banking and finance sector (69%). The lowest percentages were in the textile (45%) and agriculture (46%) industries.

When it comes to the job positions, the highest percentage of employees who said they received bonuses or incentives were managers (74%), followed by those in professional and technical positions (68%). The lowest percentages were among manual workers (41%) and administrative staff (44%).

Types of Bonuses:

Individual Bonuses Based on Success

This type of bonus is given to employees that have managed to bring in new clients or increase the business of the company in some way.

It is usually a monetary bonus, but can also be given in the form of extra time off, gift cards, or other types of perks.

Bonuses for Business Performance

This type of bonus is usually given to a team or department that has managed to reach or exceed its targets for the year.

It is a way to reward employees for their hard work and dedication and can be given in the form of a financial bonus, extra time off or other types of perks.

Bonuses Based on Achievement of Personal Goals

This type of bonus is given to employees that have managed to reach their personal goals, such as getting a promotion or earning a certain amount of money

It is a way to reward employees for their hard work and dedication and can usually be given in the form of a financial bonus, extra time off, or other types of perks. Goal-based bonuses are given to employees that have met or exceeded their targets for the month or quarter.

It is a way to motivate employees to continue working hard and can be given in the form of a financial bonus, extra time off, or other types of perks.

Bonuses for the Holidays / Year’s End

This type of bonus is given to employees as a way to thank them for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

It is usually given in the form of a financial bonus, but can also be given in the form of extra time off, gift cards, or other types of perks.

Comparing Bonuses for Different Careers

Is it possible to earn excellent incentives and a large salary in your work position?

There are other jobs that offer the same monetary benefits. A career in teaching, for example, offers a competitive salary and the opportunity to earn bonuses based on students’ academic performance.

In addition, many teachers are able to secure summer employment or other forms of supplemental income. Other jobs, on the other hand, are more likely to offer lower salaries, but provide a greater number of opportunities for bonuses and other forms of compensation.

For example, an entry-level position in marketing may have a starting salary that is lower than the average salary in Turkey. However, there are often a number of sales-based incentives that can be earned.

These include commission on sales, as well as bonuses for meeting or exceeding quotas. In addition, many marketing positions also offer excellent benefits packages.

While it is possible to earn a high salary in many different types of jobs, some jobs are more likely to offer larger salaries than others. Jobs that require highly specialized skills or knowledge often come with a larger paycheck.

Bonus Comparison in Turkey based on Years of Service

Senior-level workers in Turkey are paid a bonus of approximately TRY 12,856 per year. This is lower than the bonuses paid to employees at other companies in the country but still higher than the global average bonus of $1,021.

Bonuses are given to employees based on years of service and performance. The average bonus for senior-level workers with more than 10 years of experience is TRY 17,500.

Employees with 5-10 years of experience receive an average bonus of TRY 8,333. Those with less than 5 years of experience receive an average bonus of TRY 4,000.

In general, bonuses in Turkey are lower than the global average. However, senior-level workers with more experience tend to receive higher bonuses than their counterparts in other countries.

The average salary in Turkey is TRY 45,333 per year. This is lower than the salaries paid to employees in other countries but still higher than the global average salary of $35,000.

The average salary for senior-level workers with more than 10 years of experience is TRY 60,000. Employees with 5-10 years of experience receive an average salary of TRY 50,000. Those with less than 5 years of experience receive an average salary of TRY 40,000.

In general, salaries in Turkey are lower than the global average. However, senior-level workers with more experience tend to earn higher salaries than their counterparts in other countries.

Pay for High-Potential Careers

Business Planning

  • Business Analyst – 9,970 TRY
  • Business Development Manager – 12,300 TRY
  • Project Manager – 10,100 TRY
  • Product Manager – 9,430 TRY

Sales and Business Development

  • Account Manager – 10,560 TRY
  • Key Account Manager – 11,280 TRY
  • Sales Manager – 12,780 TRY
  • Sales Representative – 8,530 TRY

Marketing and Communications

  • Digital Marketing Specialist – 8,910 TRY
  • Graphic Designer – 7,880 TRY
  • Marketing Communications Specialist – 9,540 TRY
  • Marketing Coordinator – 8,560 TRY
  • Public Relations Specialist – 10,040 TRY

Information Technology (IT)

  • Business Intelligence Analyst – 10,350 TRY
  • Data Analyst – 9,550 TRY
  • Database Administrator (DBA) – 13,090TRY
  • Software Developer – 10,680 TRY
  • Systems Administrator – 9,870 TRY
  • Web Developer – 8,340 TRY

Human Resources (HR)

  • Compensation and Benefits Specialist – 10,280 TRY
  • Human Resources Generalist – 11,070 TRY
  • Recruiter – 9,950 TRY
  • Training Specialist – 9,520 TRY

Operations and Logistics

  • Logistics Coordinator – 8,670 TRY
  • Maintenance Manager – 13,470 TRY
  • Operations Manager – 12,920 TRY
  • Plant Manager – 18,040 TRY
  • Purchasing Manager – 15,180 TRY

Medical and Health

  • Clinical Research Coordinator – 8,530 TRY
  • Dentist – 25,430 TRY
  • Dietitian – 8,780 TRY
  • Medical Laboratory Technician – 7,880 TRY
  • Occupational Therapist – 9,280 TRY
  • Pharmacist – 16,880 TRY
  • Physical Therapist – 11,280 TRY
  • Physician Assistant (PA) – 12,040 TRY
  • Psychologist – 11,070 TRY
  • Radiation Therapist – 14,440 TRY
  • Registered Nurse (RN) – 10,030 TRY
  • Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) – 9,210 TRY

Comparison of Wages by Region in Turkey

The table below shows the average annual salary for different regions in Turkey.

  • Istanbul – 8,732
  • Ankara – 6,912
  • Izmir – 6,072
  • Bursa – 4,752
  • Adana – 4,192

The cost of living in Turkey can be expensive, depending on the city you live in. Istanbul is the most expensive city followed by Ankara and Izmir. The cheapest cities to live in are Bursa and Adana.

Hourly Average Wage in Turkey

Turkey’s hourly salary is 45 TRY. The average monthly pay is 5,532 TRY. Turkey’s minimum pay is 1,834 TRY and the maximum is 10,028 TRY.

This includes incentives and the monthly salary. Different occupations pay quite differently.

An experienced professional in engineering or finance may make tens of thousands more than a retail worker.

Comparison of Wages in the Public and Private Sectors

In Turkey, public sector workers earn an average of 5% more than their private-sector colleagues across all industries. Public sector workers in Turkey earn an average of $2,258 per month, while private-sector workers earn an average of $2,146 per month.

The highest-paying industries for public sector workers are information and communication ($4,081 per month), education ($3,420 per month), and health and social work ($3,376 per month).

The lowest-paying industries for public sector workers are agriculture, forestry, and fishing ($1,764 per month), accommodation and food services ($1,854 per month), and arts, entertainment, and recreation ($1,946 per month).