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Average Salary in Malta

How much does an average worker in Malta earn?

Malta’s average monthly wage for a full-time employee is 4,620 EUR. From 1,170 EUR to 20,600 EUR per year, the salary spectrum is wide open for job seekers.

With housing, transportation, and other perks all taken into account, this is the typical monthly wage. There is a huge disparity in pay across various professions. See below for individual job title wages if you’re interested in the compensation of a certain position.

Take note that these are only estimates, as the specific amount you earn will depend on experience, education, and other factors.

Compensation Distribution in Malta

Salary Range

Between 1,170 to 20,600 EUR a month is the average salary in Malta. The median is at 9,625 EUR. Malta’s income range from 470 EUR to 8,230 EUR.

This is the total monthly salary including bonuses. Salaries vary drastically between different careers.

Median Salary

50% earn less than 4,810 EUR a month, while the other 50% earn more. The median represents the middle salary value.


There is a quarter of the population earns less than 2,690 EUR, while 75% of the population earns more than 2,690 EUR. The highest percentiles are:

The percentiles are helpful to understand the salaries in Malta. The lowest salary is 470 EUR, while the highest salary is 8,230 EUR.

How does the median pay vary from the average income?

Both average income and median salary are indicators. They show how much residents of a country earn. The median salary is the salary in the middle of a sorted list of salaries. You can calculate it by finding the person who earns more than half the people and less than half the people.

The average income, also called the arithmetic mean, is calculated by adding all salaries and dividing them by the number of salaries. This number can be skewed by a small number of people with high incomes.

In Malta, the median salary in 2020 was €21,769. The average income was €24,536. The top 10% of earners made an average of €48,687. The bottom 10% of earners made an average of €9,177.

Comparing Salaries in Malta based on Years of Experience

How does pay increase over time?

In order to compare salaries in Malta, we need to consider how pay changes over time. Here, we will compare salaries based on years of experience.

Those with 0-2 years of experience earn an average salary of €18,721. This figure increases incrementally over time, and those with 8-10 years of experience earn an average salary of €31,071.

However, it is important to note that salaries can differ greatly depending on the sector in which you work. For instance, those working in the finance and insurance sector tend to earn higher salaries than those working in other sectors.

When looking at salaries in Malta, it is therefore important to consider both your years of experience and the sector in which you work.

Comparison of Maltese Salary by Education

Is there a correlation between education level and salary?

In order to compare salaries in Malta, we need to consider the education levels of employees. In 2021, the average salary for someone with a high school diploma was €17,908.

For someone with a bachelor’s degree, the average salary increased to €24,716. Finally, for those with a master’s degree or higher, the average salary was €31,824.

As we can see, there is a correlation between education level and salary in Malta. Those with higher levels of education tend to earn more money than those with lower levels of education. This is likely because employers are willing to pay more for employees who have the skills and knowledge that come with higher levels of education.

So, if you’re looking to earn a higher salary in Malta, it’s worth considering pursuing further education. Doing so could help you secure a position that pays more than the average salary for your education level.

Malta Wage Comparisons Based on Gender

Generally speaking, men workers in Malta earn 5% more than their female colleagues. Based on our survey, the average man’s salary in Malta is €35,969.17 while the average woman’s salary is €34,104.76.

Maltese Salary Increase Percentage Per Year

How much are Malta’s yearly raises? How frequently do workers get an increase in their pay?

Every 29 months, employees in Malta may expect to get a 4% rise in their wages.

Some workers may get more frequent raises, while others may not get any raises at all. It all depends on individual circumstances.

One thing to keep in mind is that the cost of living in Malta has been rising faster than salaries. In other words, even though workers are getting raises, their purchasing power is not increasing at the same pace. This is something to keep in mind when negotiating your salary or budgeting for your future.

Malta Industry Growth Rate

  • Travel – 8%
  • Banking 7%
  • Healthcare – 5%
  • Construction – 4%
  • Information Technology – 3%
  • Retail – 2%

In terms of salary, Malta is on the higher end when compared to other European countries. The average salary in Malta is €30,000 per year. However, this number varies depending on the industry.

For example, those working in the banking and finance sector tend to earn more than those working in the retail or construction sector.

The healthcare and information technology sectors are also growing at a rapid pace, and salaries in these industries are expected to increase in the coming years.

Given the current state of the economy, it is safe to say that the average salary in Malta will continue to grow in the years to come.

Average Growth in Compensation by Experience Level in Malta

Maltese salaries have seen a general trend of growth in recent years. However, this growth has not been uniform across all experience levels. Employees with 0-5 years of experience have seen the largest increase in compensation, while those with 20+ years of experience have actually seen a decrease.

This can be attributed to a number of factors, including an increase in the cost of living and a decrease in the purchasing power of Maltese salaries. Nevertheless, employees at all experience levels can expect to see their salaries grow in the coming year.

Overall, the average salary in Malta is expected to increase by 2.9% in. This is slightly higher than the overall rate of inflation, which is forecast to be 2.6%. However, it is important to note that this is just an average, and actual salaries will vary depending on factors such as experience, skillset, and industry.

Entry-level employees can expect to see their salaries grow by 3.2% in, while those with 20+ years of experience can expect to see a decrease of 0.4%.

So, while the average salary in Malta is expected to increase in, it is important to keep in mind that this is just an average and that actual salaries will vary depending on your experience level and other factors.

Bonus and Incentive Rates in Malta

How frequently are bonuses given?

Most Maltese employees, 63%, said that they didn’t get any kind of financial reward for their work in the preceding year, while 37% claimed to have gotten a financial incentive.

Bonuses received by employees ranged from 3% to 6% of their yearly salaries. When it comes to those working in the private sector, 45% said they had gotten a bonus, while 54% reported that they had not. In the public sector, on the other hand, only 9% of employees claimed to have received a bonus, while 91% said they had not.

Incentives were given out more frequently than bonuses, with 43% of respondents saying they had received one in the past year. The most common type of incentive was a performance-based bonus (given to 23% of those who received an incentive), followed by a profit-sharing bonus (given to 16% of recipients). Long-service awards were given to 9% of those who got an incentive.

Various types of Incentives

Individual Bonuses Based on Performance

This kind of bonus is given to employees that work in a company that offers this type of system. It is common for employers to give out bonuses at the end of each year, but some companies offer bonuses more frequently.

This bonus is usually a percentage of an employee’s salary, and it is given based on their performance during the year.

Bonuses based on Company Performance

Company-performance based incentives are provided when the company as a whole achieves specific goals. It is often given to all employees of the company, regardless of their individual performance. This type of bonus can be in the form of cash or extra vacation days.

Sometimes, these are called profit-sharing plans that are set up so that employees receive a portion of the company’s profits.

Goal-based Rewards

This type of incentive is given to employees that help the company achieve specific goals. It is common for employers to set targets for their employees and give them a bonus if they reach those targets. This type of bonus can be in the form of cash or extra vacation days.

Bonuses for the Holidays / Year’s End

This is a type of bonus that is given to employees at the end of the year or during the holiday season. It is usually a small amount of money, and it is given as a way to thank employees for their work during the year.

Comparison of Bonuses for Different Careers in Malta

What makes a job worth the high pay and generous bonuses?

Jobs in Malta such as CEO, CFO, CTO, and other senior management positions offer the highest average salary in Malta. These jobs usually come with high responsibilities and a lot of stress.

If you are looking for a job that pays well but is not as demanding, you can consider careers such as marketing, sales, human resources, and project management.

In general, jobs in Malta that offer high salaries also come with a high cost of living. The average salary in Malta is around €2900 per month, but the cost of living can be quite high, especially in the capital city of Valletta.

If you are looking for a job in Malta that pays well but does not have a high cost of living, you might want to consider jobs in the tourism or hospitality industry.

The highest-paying job in Malta is usually in the financial sector. Jobs in banking, insurance, and investment banking tend to pay very well. However, these jobs also come with a lot of responsibility and stress.

Comparison of Bonuses Based on Seniority Level in Malta

The average salary in Malta is €29,056 per year. The average bonus is €1,012. A person’s seniority level at their job affects the amount of their bonus, with those at a higher level receiving a greater percentage of their salary as a bonus.

For example, a junior employee in Malta would receive an average bonus of €544, while a senior employee would receive an average bonus of €1,344.

This difference is due to the fact that senior employees are more likely to be in management positions and to have more responsibility for the company’s success or failure.

In general, bonuses in Malta are not as high as they are in other countries. This is due to the lower cost of living in Malta and the fact that many jobs do not require a high level of education or training.

The average salary in Malta is €29,056 per year. The average bonus is €1,012. A person’s seniority level at their job affects the amount of their bonus, with those at a higher level receiving a greater percentage of their salary as a bonus.

For example, a junior employee in Malta would receive an average bonus of €544, while a senior employee would receive an average bonus of €1,344.

This difference is due to the fact that senior employees are more likely to be in management positions and to have more responsibility for the company’s success or failure.

Salaries For Prominent Careers


  • Bank Branch Manager – 7,990 EUR
  • Teller – 1,760 EUR


  • Doctor – 8,940 EUR
  • Dentist – 5,490 EUR
  • Nurse – 1,960 EUR


  • Computer Engineer – 7,200 EUR
  • Web Developer – 4,560 EUR
  • Information Systems Manager – 9,430 EUR

Business Technology

  • Consultant – 7,950 EUR


  • Store Manager – 2,800 EUR
  • Sales Associate – 1,560 EUR
  • Graphic Designer – 3,840 EUR

Human Resources

  • HR Generalist – 4,560 EUR
  • Recruiter – 3,970 EUR
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager – 6,280 EUR

Malta’s Standard Hourly Wage

In Malta, the average hourly earning is 27 EUR (hourly pay). According to this figure, the average wage in Malta is around 27 EUR per hour of labor.

The gross average salary in Malta is 1,859 EUR per month (net: 1,338 EUR). This means that the average worker in Malta earns around 1,859 EUR per month before taxes and other deductions.

The net average salary, which is what the average worker actually takes home after taxes and deductions, is 1,338 EUR per month.

Comparison of Wages in the Public and Private Sectors in Malta

Public sector workers in Malta earn 10% more than their private-sector colleagues on average across all sectors. The average salary in the public sector is €25,752 while in the private sector it is €23,196.

The highest salaries are found in the banking and financial services sector, where public sector workers earn an average of €41,854 compared to private-sector workers who earn an average of €36,062.

In the health sector, public sector workers earn an average of €31,764 while private-sector workers earn an average of €24,854.

In the education sector, public sector workers earn an average of €29,780 while private-sector workers earn an average of €26,856. The lowest salaries are found in the retail and hospitality sectors, whereas the public sector workers earn an average of €19,280 and private-sector workers earn an average of €17,196.

Overall, public sector workers in Malta earn 10% more than their private-sector colleagues on average across all sectors. The average salary in the public sector is €25,752 while in the private sector it is €23,196.

The highest salaries are found in the banking and financial services sector, where public sector workers earn an average of €41,854 compared to private-sector workers who earn an average of €36,062.