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Average Salary in Israel

Table of Contents

How much money can one expect to earn working in the country of Israel?

A year’s income in Israel averages out to 242,541 ILS. The median yearly salary in Lithuania is 93,145 ILS. The information in this report is derived from 712 polls of employees’ salaries. Men and women get paid differently in the workplace. For men, this translates to annual pay of 273,917 ILS on average. Women are paid 177,666 ILS a year.

With an average salary of 352,573 ILS, the health care and medical professions lead the pack, followed by construction and labor with a salary of 323,594 ILS.

People with Bellow H. School are paid the most, with a salary of 365,338 ILS. Doctorate degrees, with a salary of 295,996 ILS, are the second most compensated.

A person’s life experiences have an impact on his or her earning potential. More experienced workers are paid 343,259 ILS a year. A total of 322,905 ILS is awarded to employees with 16 to 20 years of experience.

Pay Scales in Israel and Their Distribution

Salary Levels

People working in Israel earn about 242,541 ILS a year on average. The median yearly salary in the country is 93,145 ILS. This also depends on the specific industry and position. The table below provides an overview of the average salaries in Israel, according to different job categories.

  • Executives, senior officials and legislators – 610,666 ILS
  • Managers – 366,667 ILS
  • Professionals – 283,333 ILS
  • Technicians and associate professionals – 221,111 ILS
  • Clerks – 164,444 ILS
  • Service and sales workers – 119,444 ILS
  • Skilled agricultural and fishery workers – 100,000 ILS
  • Craft and related trades workers – 97,222 ILS

Median Salary

The median salary in Israel is 4,770 ILS per month. This means that half of the population earns more than this amount, while the other half earns less. This also depends on your profession and years of experience.

The average salary in Israel is 5,560 ILS per month. This means that the typical worker in Israel earns this amount each month. However, your exact salary will depend on your profession and years of experience.


75% of the workers earn as much or less than the salary that is equal to the 75th percentile of their specific occupational group’s distribution, while 25% earn as much or less than the salary that is equal to the 25th percentile.

Percentiles are very useful statistics because they help us compare salary levels across different occupational groups. The median is the 50th percentile, which means that half of the workers earn as much or less than the median and half earn as much or more.

In order to make comparisons across occupational groups, we need to know what the distribution looks like for each group.

What are the key differences between the average wage and the median salary?

Both the median and average salary are indicators of the wage level in an economy or specific sector.

The main difference between the two measures is that the median salary is less influenced by extreme values (high or low salaries), while these values more influence the average salary. In other words, the median salary provides a better indication of the “typical” salary in an economy, while the average salary provides a better indication of the overall level of salaries in an economy.

In Israel, the average salary in 2020 was around 10,000 ILS per month (around 2,500 USD), while the median salary was around 8,000 ILS per month (around 2,000 USD).

Looking at these numbers, we can see that the average salary is higher than the median salary. This discrepancy is due to the presence of high-earners in Israel (such as CEOs and managers) who skew the average upwards. When we look at the median salary, we get a better picture of the “typical” wage in Israel.

So what does this all mean for workers in Israel?

These numbers show that the average wage in Israel is quite high compared to the median wage. This means that there are a lot of high-earners in Israel who are skewing the average wage upwards. However, when we look at the median wage, we can see that the “typical” wage in Israel is around 8,000 ILS per month.

Comparative Wages Based on Years of Experience in Israel

What is the progression of a person’s wage over time?

In order to compare the wages of workers in Israel with those of other countries, it is necessary to consider the years of experience a worker has. the average hourly wage for workers in Israel with 1-4 years of experience to workers in selected OECD countries.

Israeli workers with 1-4 years of experience earn an average wage that is lower than the OECD average. However, when compared to other countries in the OECD, Israelis earn relatively high wages. For example, Israelis earn more than twice the hourly wage of workers in Turkey and Mexico, and almost 50% more than workers in Chile.

The data also shows that wages tend to increase with years of experience. In Israel, the average hourly wage for workers with 5-9 years of experience is 22% higher than for workers with 1-4 years of experience. This is slightly lower than the OECD average of 24%.

Israelis also have high wages compared to other OECD countries when considering workers with 10-19 years of experience. The average hourly wage for these workers in Israel is 36% higher than the OECD average.

Comparison of Israeli Salaries Based on Education

How does your education level affect your pay scale?

In general, the higher your education level, the more money you can earn in Israel. However, there are some notable exceptions.

For example, workers with a high school diploma earn an average of 4,873 ILS per month, while those with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of 5,711 ILS per month.

However, there are some jobs that pay relatively well regardless of your educational background. For example, skilled tradespeople such as electricians and plumbers can earn an average of 6,500 ILS per month. Similarly, experienced salespeople can also command high salaries, with the average salesperson earning 7,000 ILS per month.

Of course, your specific salary will also depend on factors such as your experience, the company you work for, and the city you live in. For example, workers in Tel Aviv tend to earn more than those in other parts of the country.

So, if you’re looking to maximize your earnings, it’s important to consider all of these factors when making your career decisions.

Israeli Wage Comparisons Based on Gender

Men in Israel earn an average of 19,988 ILS per month, while women earn an average of 13,528 ILS per month. In terms of hourly wages, men earn an average of 97.50 ILS per hour while women earn an average of 64.70 ILS per hour.

Based on these figures, it is clear that there is a significant gender wage gap in Israel. This gap exists across all sectors and industries and is especially pronounced in senior management positions.

In order to close the gender wage gap, the Israeli government has implemented a number of initiatives, including:

  • Establishing a minimum wage
  • Encouraging employers to conduct pay audits
  • Providing training and support for women entrepreneurs

The government is also working on legislation that would require companies to report on their efforts to close the gender wage gap. Despite these initiatives, the gender wage gap in Israel remains large. In order to truly close the gap, further action is needed.

Israel’s Annual Average Salary Increase Percentage

In Israel, how much is the yearly raise in salary? Are increases given to staff on a more regular basis?

Employees in Israel earn about 10.7% more in gross salary each year, on average. However, this number can be deceiving because it includes all types of workers: those who receive promotions with accompanying salary increases and those who do not.

When looking at only employees who earn salaries, the average annual raise is closer to 6.5%. This means that the average worker in Israel can expect to earn a salary that is 6.5% higher at the end of the year than what they earned at the beginning.

There are a number of factors that contribute to this relatively high rate of salary growth. First, Israel is a relatively young country, and its workforce is growing rapidly. This means that there are more job openings than there are workers to fill them, which gives employees more leverage when it comes to negotiating salaries.

Second, the cost of living in Israel is relatively high, so workers need to earn more just to keep up with the rising cost of basic necessities. This puts pressure on employers to offer higher salaries in order to attract and retain talent.

Rate of Annual Growth Expected by Industry in

  • Education – 6%
  • Energy – 5%
  • Construction  – 7%
  • Business and Financial – 9%
  • Information Technology – 12%
  • Health Care and Social Assistance- 10%

Take note that well-off sectors are not immune to the economic crisis, and may in fact be more affected than others. For example, while the banking sector is expected to experience strong growth in the coming year, it is important to remember that this follows a period of significant contraction.

Experience-level Salary Increment in Israel

In the table below we can see the average salaries in Israel for various experience levels:

  • Junior-level workers: 3-5%
  • Mid-level workers: 5-10%
  • Senior-level workers: 10% or more

Take note that the salary increments may vary depending on the company, position, and industry. They are also negotiable based on your skills and experience.

The average monthly salary in Israel is around 9,000 ILS (or $2,700). The average hourly wage is around 100 ILS (or $30). Keep in mind that these are only averages – your actual salary will depend on many factors, including your experience, skills, education, and employer.

The cost of living in Israel is relatively high, especially in the major cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. You can expect to spend around 2,500 ILS ($750) per month on basic expenses such as housing, food, transportation, and utilities. However, if you live in a smaller city or town, your cost of living will be lower.

Israeli Bonus and Reward Rates

How much and how frequently are bonuses given?

47% of the employees in Israel are given bonuses every year, and 29% of them are given rewards as well. The average annual salary in Israel is ₪258,105.

The amount of the bonus varies according to the position and the company’s policy, but it is usually a few months’ salaries. For example, the CEO of a large company may receive a bonus of up to 12 months’ salary, while a junior employee may receive a bonus of only one month’s salary.

In addition to bonuses, many companies also offer rewards to their employees. These rewards are usually given for meeting specific targets or objectives, or for exemplary performance. The most common type of reward is an all-expenses-paid trip, but other types of rewards include tickets to events, dinner vouchers, and cash bonuses.

The average salary in Israel is 258,105 ILS. The median salary is 172,500 ILS. Salaries vary widely between different careers.

For example, a doctor’s average salary is 348,000 ILS, while a janitor’s average salary is only 30,000 ILS. CEOs of large companies tend to earn the highest salaries, while junior employees such as clerks and assistants earn the lowest salaries. Bonuses and rewards can significantly increase an employee’s total earnings.

Various Forms of Rewards

Individual Bonuses Determined by Work Performance

This kind of bonus is usually determined by how well you have done your job over a period of time. If you have been working hard and going above and beyond what is expected of you, then your employer may decide to give you a bonus as a way of saying thank you and encouraging you to continue doing a great job.

Individual bonuses can be given out at any time, but they are often given at the end of the year or during an annual review.

Profit-Sharing Bonuses

Another type of bonus that some companies offer is a profit-sharing bonus. As the name suggests, this kind of bonus is based on how profitable the company has been over a certain period of time. If the company has had a good year and made a lot of money, then employees may be given a bonus that is a percentage of the company’s profits

Profit-sharing bonuses are usually given out once a year, but they can also be given more or less often depending on how well the company is doing.

Group Bonuses

Another type of bonus that some companies offer is a group bonus. This kind of bonus is based on how well a team or group of employees has done over a certain period of time. If the team has met its goals and exceeded expectations, then the members of the team may be given a bonus as a way of saying thank you

Group bonuses are usually given out at the end of a project or at the end of the year, but they can also be given more or less often depending on how well the team is doing.

Goal-based reward system

This kind of bonus is based on whether or not an employee has met a certain goal. For example, if an employee has been working towards a sales target, then they may be given a bonus if they reach or exceed that target.

Goal-based bonuses can be given out at any time, but they are often given at the end of the project or at the end of the year.

Bonuses for the Holidays / Year’s End

Some companies also give out bonuses during the holidays or at the end of the year as a way of saying thank you to their employees. This is a nice gesture, but it is not always possible for companies to give out bonuses every year.

Comparison of Bonus Payouts in Israel According to Occupation

Is it possible to earn excellent incentives and a large salary in the same position?

Other professions in Israel are also known for their high salaries, but they don’t always offer the same opportunities for bonuses.

For example, while doctors in Israel make an average salary of 16,480 ILS per month, they often work long hours with little opportunity for overtime pay. On the other hand, lawyers in Israel make an average salary of 12,800 ILS per month, but can often earn significant bonuses for working additional hours or taking on complex cases.

The table below shows the average monthly salaries and bonus payouts for a variety of professions in Israel:

  • Doctor – 16,480 ILS (2% of salary)
  • Lawyer – 12,800 ILS (5% of salary)
  • Banker – 11,520 ILS (3% of salary)
  • IT Professional – 10,400 ILS (4% of salary)
  • Salesperson – 8,960 ILS (5% of sales)

As you can see, there is a wide range of salaries and bonus opportunities in Israel. While some professions offer high salaries but little opportunity for bonuses, others provide more modest salaries but greater potential for earning incentives.

When considering a position in Israel, it is important to weigh both the salary and the bonus potential to find the right fit for your needs.

Comparison of Bonuses based on Seniority Level

Senior-level workers are paid more handsomely than entry-level and junior employees in Israel. The average bonus per senior-level employee is ILS 22,817, while the average bonus for an entry-level or junior employee is just ILS 5,901.

  • Senior-level – ILS 22,817
  • Entry-level/junior – ILS 5,901

When it comes to bonuses, seniority definitely pays off in Israel. However, workers of all experience levels are still paid relatively well compared to other countries.

Pay for High-Potential Careers

Medical / Healthcare

  • Doctor – 16,480 ILS
  • Nurse – 11,960 ILS
  • Physiotherapist – 15,840 ILS

Law / Legal Services

  • Lawyer – 19,920 ILS
  • Paralegal – 12,000 ILS

Management / Business Consulting

  • CEO – 25,200 ILS
  • CFO – 23,760 ILS
  • Consultant – 22,560 ILS
  • Business Manager – 20,480 ILS

Sales / Marketing / Business Development

  • Salesperson – 13,920 ILS
  • Marketing Manager – 20,160 ILS
  • Business Developer – 18,240 ILS

Technology / Information Systems / Telecommunications       

  • Software Engineer – 21,120 ILS
  • Database Administrator- 16,640 ILS
  • IT Project Manager- 24 840 ILS
  • Graphic Designer – 12,960 ILS
  • Web Developer – 17,280 ILS
  • Information Systems Manager- 28,160 ILS

Industry / Manufacturing / Construction

  • Industrial Engineer – 20,640 ILS
  • Construction Manager – 22,080 ILS
  • Production Manager – 19,840 ILS

Comparison of Wages from Different Cities in Israel

There is a big difference in the cost of living from one city to another in Israel. This affects the average salary that people earn in each city.

The following table shows the average monthly salary in different cities in Israel, based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics for the year:

  • Tel Aviv – 17,842 ILS
  • Jerusalem – 13,567 ILS
  • Haifa – 11,853 ILS
  • Rishon LeZion – 10,874 ILS
  • Netanya – 10,290 ILS
  • Petah Tikva – 9,893 ILS
  • Ashdod – 9,600 ILS
  • Beersheba – 9,337 ILS
  • Bat Yam – 9,202 ILS

Hourly Average Wage in Israel

The average hourly wage (pay per hour) in Israel is 123 ILS. This is the equivalent of approximately $34 USD. The median hourly wage is slightly higher, at 126 ILS per hour. However, there is a significant amount of variation in wages across different sectors and industries.

For example, workers in the finance and insurance industry earn an average of 227 ILS per hour, while those in the accommodation and food services sector earn just 54 ILS per hour on average.

Comparative Analysis of Salaries in the Public and Private Sectors

Public workers in Israel earn an average of 9,393 ILS a month, compared with ILS 7,569 in the private sector – 26.5% more – according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Wednesday.

The figures show that the average salary in the public sector last year was ILS 112,712, while in the private sector it was only ILS 90,828 – a difference of over ILS 21,000.