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Average Salary in Algeria

Table of Contents

What does an Algerian worker earn?

The average salary in Algeria is 180,000 DZD a month. This is a relatively low salary, especially when you compare it to other countries in the region

There are many factors that contribute to this disparity in salaries. One reason is that Algeria has a large informal economy. This means that many people are working in jobs that don’t offer benefits or pay taxes.

As a result, they are not earning as much as they could be if they were working in the formal sector.

Another reason for the low average salary is the high level of unemployment in Algeria. With such a high percentage of the population out of work, companies can afford to offer lower wages.

And, since many Algerians are reluctant to move to a new city or region in search of work, they are stuck with the salary that they have.

Distribution of Salaries in Algeria

The median, the maximum, the minimum, and the range

Salary Range

The salary range in Algeria is between 45,400 DZD/month to 801,000 DZD/month.

Median Salary

The median monthly wage is 176,000 DZD, which implies that 50 % of the population earns less than 176,000 DZD and the other half earns more than 176,000 DZD.

The median pay value is the average. In general, you’d prefer to be on the right side of the graph, in the group that earns more than the median pay.


Two numbers are closely connected to the median: the 25th and 75th percentiles. According to the wage distribution diagram, 25% of the community earns less than 99,600 DZD, while 75% earn more.

Additionally, the graphic indicates that 75% of the populace earns less than 479,000 DZD, while 25% of the total earn more than 479,000 DZD.

What is the difference between the median and the average salary?

Some people are paid less, others more. If you want to know how much money is being spent on salaries in Algeria, the median salary is 176 000 DZD a month.

You can also calculate this statistic with an average salary of 180 000 DZD a month. The difference between the two has to do with how they are calculated.

The median salary means that 50% of Algerians earn less than 176 000 DZD and the other half earns more than 176,000 DZD per month.

This statistic is important because it shows us who’s making what in Algeria- which helps companies understand how many employees they need at their company or where they may need to invest more into salaries for better workers.

Salary Comparison by Years of Experience

How does a person’s salary progress over time?

An Algerian’s salary progresses over time in a number of ways. One way is through years of experience.

For example, an individual with zero to five years of work experience will typically earn around 180 000 DZD per month, while someone who has more than ten years of experience can expect to make upwards of 801 000 DZD per month.

As the graph indicates, there are also many factors that contribute to this disparity in salaries- for instance, unemployment rates and whether or not the person is working in the formal sector.

These differences may be due to Algeria’s large informal economy or because 50% are earning less than 176 000 DZD/month and a half earn more than 176 000 DZD/month.

Salary Comparison By Gender

Male workers earn 18% more than female employees in Algeria on average across all industries.

  • Male – 195,000 DZD
  • Female – 165,000 DZD (Down by 15%)

Salary Comparison By Education

How does the education level affect your salary?

Salaries in Algeria are largely determined by education.

People with a university degree will be paid more than those without one, but they must also do the work required to obtain that degree.

The Algerian government has been investing heavily in education and as a result, many Algerians have now completed higher levels of education – which is reflected in their salaries.

In 2011 there were over 2 million people enrolled at universities, with about 500 thousand of them being foreign students.

This influx of international students has contributed to an increase in demand for goods and services within the country (which means more jobs).

Unfortunately, this investment hasn’t translated into better salaries for the average citizen; recent studies suggest that while income inequality between different social classes may not be increasing, it is definitely still a problem.

So, if you want to make more money in Algeria, it’s important to get a good education.

Is a Master’s degree or an MBA worth it? Should you pursue higher education?

In Algeria, a Master’s degree or other post-graduate program costs between 898,000 and 2,690,000 Algerian Dinars and lasts around two years. That is a significant investment.

If you want to be successful, just work hard and follow your ambitions. That being said, if you’re already on the path of higher education, don’t stop since they will help you achieve success even more quickly.

However, investing time and money into something without the guarantee of success might not be for everyone (especially those with student loans).

So before making any decisions about pursuing higher education make sure that this path is right for you by thinking long-term about what your goals are and how much effort you’re willing to put into them each day.

Hourly Pay In Algeria

There is an average hourly wage in Algeria of 1,040 DZD, which is what people get paid for each hour. For every hour that a person in Algeria works, they make about 1,040 DZD, or about $1,040.

Hourly Pay = Yearly Salary / ( 52 x 5 x 8 )

People get paid hourly for every hour they work. Most jobs fall into two groups: salaried jobs and hourly jobs. Salaried jobs pay the same amount no matter how many hours you work. Hourly jobs pay by the hour.

It’s used to convert a salary into an hourly wage (assuming 5 working days in a week and 8 working hours per day which is the standard for most jobs). The hourly wage computation may be different depending on how many hours you work each week and how much vacation time you get each year.

The figures above are good estimations and are thought of as the standard.

One big difference between salaried workers and hourly-paid employees is that salaried employees can get paid for extra work. As a rule, salaried employees don’t have to work overtime, unlike hourly-paid employees.

Algerian Average Yearly Salary Raise Percentage

In Algeria, how much do yearly pay increases cost? How often do workers get compensation increases?

Algerian employees may expect a wage raise of around 5% every 28 months.

Take Note: While salary increases vary by individual and are determined by a variety of circumstances, your performance and contributions to the company development continue to be the most significant elements in deciding how much and how often you will get a raise.

The word ‘Annual Salary Raise’ often implies an increase over a 12-month period, but since wages are seldom reviewed precisely at the one-year point, it is more significant to know the recurrence and pace of the increase.

How to calculate the salary increment percentage?

Annual pay increases in a calendar year may be computed simply as follows:

Annual Salary Increase = Annual Rate of Increase x 12 Annual Frequency of Increase.

In Algeria, the average pay rise during a 12-month period is 2%.

Government vs. Private Sector Salary

People who work for the government get paid more.

People who work for the government in Algeria make about 21% more than people who work for the private sector on average across all industries.

Salaries for well-known jobs

Accounting and Finance

  • Accountant – 134,000 DZD
  • Accounting Assistant – 105,000 DZD
  • Accounting Manager – 267,000 DZD
  • Bookkeeper – 88,700 DZD
  • Chartered Accountant – 176,000 DZD
  • Corporate Treasurer – 243,000 DZD
  • Financial Analyst – 238,000 DZD
  • Financial Manager – 361,000 DZD
  • Internal Auditor – 179,000 DZD

Administration / Reception / Secretarial

  • Administrative Assistant – 98,200 DZD
  • Office Manager – 155,000 DZD
  • Receptionist – 72,900 DZD
  • Secretary – 81,500 DZD

Advertising / Grapic Design / Events

  • Art Director – 188,000 DZD
  • Creative Director – 193,000 DZD
  • Graphic Designer – 114,000 DZD
  • Photographer – 101,000 DZD

Airlines / Aviation / Aerospace / Defense

  • Aerospace Engineer – 238,000 DZD
  • Air Traffic Controller – 205,000 DZD
  • Flight Attendant – 122,000 DZD
  • Pilot – 312,000 DZD


  • Architect – 223,000 DZD
  • CAD Drafter – 96,200 DZD


  • Mechanic – 69,000 DZD
  • Service Advisor – 128,000 DZD


  • Bank Branch Manager – 349,000 DZD
  • Teller – 66,800 DZD


  • Teacher – 148,000 DZD
  • Translator – 176,000 DZD

Business Planning

  • Business Analyst – 226,000 DZD
  • Business Development Manager – 308,000 DZD
  • Project Manager – 200,000 DZD

Care Giving and Child Care

  • Nanny – 74,500 DZD
  • Nursery Teacher – 67,100 DZD

Construction / Building / Installation

  • Civil Engineer – 166,000 DZD
  • Construction Project Manager – 310,000 DZD
  • Health and Safety Officer – 84,800 DZD

Customer Service and Call Center

  • Call Center Representative – 69,900 DZD
  • Customer Service Manager – 261,000 DZD
  • Customer Service Representative – 72,700 DZD


  • Electrical Engineer – 179,000 DZD
  • Engineer – 174,000 DZD
  • Mechanical Engineer – 168,000 DZD

Executive and Management

  • Chief Executive Officer – 414,000 DZD
  • Chief Financial Officer – 376,000 DZD
  • General Manager – 338,000 DZD

Food / Hospitality / Tourism / Catering

  • Chef – 117,000 DZD
  • Executive Chef – 137,000 DZD
  • Hotel Manager – 326,000 DZD
  • Travel Agent – 119,000 DZD
  • Waiter / Waitress – 59,900 DZD

Health and Medical

  • Dentist – 464,000 DZD
  • Dietitian – 372,000 DZD
  • Laboratory Technician – 134,000 DZD
  • Nurse – 147,000 DZD

Human Resources

  • Human Resources Manager – 267,000 DZD
  • Human Resources Officer – 109,000 DZD

Information Technology

  • Computer Technician – 149,000 DZD
  • Database Administrator – 185,000 DZD
  • Developer / Programmer – 179,000 DZD
  • Information Technology Manager – 302,000 DZD
  • Network Engineer – 166,000 DZD

Law Enforcement / Security / Fire

  • Police Officer – 108,000 DZD


  • Attorney – 365,000 DZD
  • Legal Assistant – 98,600 DZD

Media / Broadcasting / Arts / Entertainment

  • Journalist220,000 DZD

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology

  • Biomedical Engineer – 155,000 DZD
  • Pharmacist – 243,000 DZD

Sales Retail and Wholesale

  • Cashier – 71,800 DZD
  • Sales Manager – 337,000 DZD
  • Sales Representative – 115,000 DZD

Teaching / Education

  • Elementary School Teacher – 128,000 DZD
  • Secondary School Teacher – 155,000 DZD

Average Pay Increase Rates by Level of Experience

  • Junoir Level – 3% – 5%
  • Mid-Career – 6% – 9%
  • Senior Level – 10% – 15%
  • Top Management – 15% – 20%

The disparity in increment rates is explained in part because companies make a greater effort to keep more experienced employees since they are more difficult to obtain than less experienced employees.

Annual Increment Rate By Industry 2020

  • Banking – 3%
  • Energy – 8%
  • Information Technology – 3%
  • Healthcare – 7%
  • Travel – 2%
  • Construction – 6%
  • Education – 1%

The average yearly growth rates for each trade in Algeria for the year 2020 are listed above.

Businesses operating in strong sectors often grant larger and more regular increases.

While exceptions occur, the economic status of each corporation is inextricably linked to the economic state of the nation or area. These data are subject to change on a regular basis.

Algerian Bonuses and Incentive Rates

How much and how frequently are bonuses granted?

Nearly half of Algerian employees questioned reported receiving no bonuses or incentives in the preceding year, while 34% reported receiving at least one kind of monetary bonus.

Bonuses were reported to be between 3% and 6% of yearly income by those who received them.

Different kinds of Bonuses

Individual bonuses

The most common type of bonus, in which the employee is given money because of their good work.

Company bonuses

Every once in a while, some companies give bonuses to their employees who have made a lot of extra money or made a lot of money for the company.

The quantity of the bonus may differ from person to person based on their position in an organisation.

Goal-based bonus

An important goal or milestone must be met before the person can get the reward.

End of the Year Bonuses for holiday or end of the year

These kinds of bonuses are provided without a specific purpose and usually, look like a gift to show how much you appreciate them.

Remember: A bonus isn’t a commission

People often mix up bonuses and commissions. A commission is a set amount of money that someone gets paid for selling things or making deals. A bonus, on the other hand, is usually a surprise and not planned.

What makes a job worth a lot of money and good bonuses?

Revenue-making individuals

Employees who are directly involved in making money or profit for the company. They usually work in a field that is related to the type of business.

Supporting employees

Employees who help and support the work of people who make money. They usually have different skills than the people who run the main parts of the business.

In most cases, people who make a lot of money get more bonuses, higher salaries, and more frequent raises in their pay.

The explanation is simple: when you help the company make money, it’s easier to show how important you are to the company in money terms.

Bonus Rates by Career Field:

  • Marketing / Advertising – High
  • Information Technology – Moderate
  • Sales – High
  • Customer Service – Moderate
  • Human Resources – Moderate
  • Hospitality – Low
  • Finance – High
  • Transport – Low
  • Healthcare – Moderate
  • Insurance – Moderate
  • Business Development – High
  • Construction – Low
  • Architecture -High

Bonuses Based On Seniority Level

Senior and top-level employees, by nature, get more bonuses and get them more often than juniors.

This is very likely because you have more responsibilities when you’re at the top of the group. People who are at the top of the pyramid can easily get double or triple the bonus rates of people who work at the bottom.

There are also some companies that give out bonuses according to the level of education an employee has.

For example, a company may give out more money to employees with a Master’s degree than someone with just a Bachelor’s degree.

Some Algerian employers also use profit sharing as a way to give bonuses. In this system, employees receive a percentage of the company’s profits at the end of the year.