Asking Your Employer For Pay Raise

If you have stayed and worked on the same company over the years, surely getting a raise is something that has crossed your mind. While there is a high chance that obtaining a raise is inevitable, asking for it is difficult, to begin with. You might think “what is the proper approach to ask?” “will my supervisor be taken aback?”

Putting this point of view, you may have a hard time bringing up pay increases. Other than the once-a-year benefits and all that bonuses, requesting a compensation raise is the best way to look for a higher measure of pay.

When it comes to requesting a compensation raise, preparation and planning are vital keys in order for you to successfully place your demand. You need to persuade your manager that your commitment to the work and the organization worth so much more than the average yearly pay raise.

Prior to requesting a raise, there are numerous things that need thinking, for example, the timing of bringing up the raise, the market-based rates of your job, and more. They all assume a part when you are deciding to ask your supervisor for a compensation raise.

If you have managed to prepare and plan while putting these factors into consideration, you may successfully obtain the raise that you want. Should you need specific details and planning for a pay raise, read along with the tips we have provided for you!

Take these proper steps to ask for a pay raise

Read and be familiarize with your employee handbook

The handbook may help you better understand the process and the timing when the salary increase is allowed. You cannot just ask for a raise if you are newly hired in the company. Sometimes it takes about six (6) months and more to be able to be given a raise. In case there is a provided policy regarding the pay raise, your best option is to follow the instructions from the employee’s handbook.

In the event that the handbook indicates that your supervisor can offer a compensation increase every year, you may invest effort and energy to plan out before asking for a raise.

Review your employer’s pay practices

In the event that the standard practice is to offer compensation rise once a year after a yearly survey, you are probably not going to get a raise at some other time. But if your company is offering a continual increase, you will have a better chance of getting the raise that you want. It is important to listen and take note of what your supervisor tells you about a salary increase.

Consult your colleagues

Talking to your colleagues who have years of experience and work in your company is important as chances are high that they have likely requested a compensation raise at one point in their career.

Research your market compensation rates

Researching information regarding salary raises in the market is important and also accessible anytime. You need to specifically perform salary computations in your locale so that you can get the estimate of what you want to receive. You cannot just simply demand a specific price range of raise without thorough research and understanding regarding the subject.

More tips you may follow in asking for a pay increase

To negotiate properly, you may refer to these further tips to request a pay raise:

  • Tell the manager the precise amount you’d like to reflect on your pay. It is better to present an analysis or research to be able to support your request for pay raise. You might also need to present your significant contributions to the company to emphasize your request.
  • Ask what you need to do to make yourself qualified as soon as wage rises are possible if the manager tells you he can’t have a pay increase at the moment.
  • In requesting a pay raise, it is important to be straightforward in communicating your demand. Get ready with your documentations including your contributions and achievements over the span of working in their company.

Food for thought

Regardless of whether you have prepared and planned your request for pay raise, it still can be quite scary to address your supervisor. But giving it a shot won’t do any harm especially if you would consider the factors that we have discussed above.

If you know yourself, the vital contributions you have made, your eligibility, and your accomplishments, what’s to stop you from trying to request for pay raise?